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Empower Yourself With Topic-Specific Resources

Explore our vast library of articles, handouts, and videos to get insight into specific conditions or areas of interest, as well as guidance for how to address your concerns.

Some of the topics you’ll find below include puppy training, allergies, behavioral challenges, eye and ear issues, cancer, diabetes, weight loss, and much, much more — more than two dozen topics in all! Dive right in

Articles from our Blog

Get your paws on this: we created a blog so you can learn the basics of holistic medical decisions and start implementing them into your life.

The Happiness Protocol Podcast

The Happiness Protocol Podcast

Watch video:Or listen to audio:Dr. Jeff Feinman, Holistic Actions! founder and holistic veterinarian, coined the term The Happiness Protocol for a science-backed philosophy that strengthens the immune system of our pets. It's easy and fun to do and you can see actual...

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Suffering from decision fatigue? HMDM to the rescue

Suffering from decision fatigue? HMDM to the rescue

Our everyday lives are loaded with decision making (making a tooth paste choice alone is not the same as it used to be a hundred years ago), so decision fatigue is a very real thing. And when we need to make decisions regarding our beloveds' health, the stress level...

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Want full access to our resource library?

Join The Pack!

Help and hope is available for pet parents worldwide with 24/7 access to our extensive learning library of multimedia pet care content. 

Now you don’t have to endlessly search Google in an attempt to learn how to holistically interpret, prevent, and manage your top pet care concerns! Our easily searchable online library includes a wealth of multimedia resources on a broad number of topics.

If you have questions about memberships, please contact our support team at

Related Courses

Holistic Actions! Pet Health Academy is proud to provide immediately applicable, functional information for those of you who care for pets or offer pet care.

Content related to your area of interest is offered below and you can access any of our courses here or you can access ALL of our library resources here for one low monthly price.

lyme course

Lyme dis-ease — and conventional approaches to diagnosing and treating it — can be one of the most confusing and troubling health challenges a pet parent can face! But this course will leave you clear and confident about moving forward! In it, you’ll learn the truth about Lyme, along with natural ways of protecting your pet and supporting their immune system. You’ll also meet Larry, a chronic Lyme sufferer, and get a “paws on the ground” understanding of how holistic and homeopathic methods can successfully treat what may be one of the most mysterious and misunderstood of all maladies!


This course is designed to shed light on neutering. Whether you have firm beliefs or are exploring options, it will help you understand what neutering is, how it affects animals’ bodies and health, and what sterilization alternatives you have.  

After the course, you will be able to make the best choice for yourself and your pet.

hospice fundamentals course

Many pet parents want to learn more about animal hospice in general – and holistic animal hospice care in particular – to help their loved ones live the best life possible each and every day. This course will help you do just that by exploring animal hospice, looking at misconceptions about pain and dying, delving into holistic animal hospice care at BrightHaven (including the BrightHaven Menu for Healing, designed to achieve an optimal state of balance at every life stage) and showing you practicalities of holistic animal hospice care that you can apply right away. Created by

navigating a terminal diagnosis course

One of the most difficult things for any pet parent to hear is that your animal’s illness is terminal. What do I do now? How can I best support my animal friend? What is the best way forward for our family? 

With this course, we wish to help you navigate this path with a deeper sense of peace, confidence and clarity. We will walk you through practical tools that will help you make the best decisions for your loved one, and we’ll explore types of grief and self-care for the caregiver practices. Help your animal live well (and fully!) through the last breath! Created by

What Is The Holistic Actions! Pet Health Academy?

Our online portal provides knowledge, lends support, embraces life, and addresses grief for a holistic approach to happy and healthy relationships for pets and with their humans.

It’s a community-driven resource hub to give your pet its best life! You will get support and reliable answers to almost any petcare question or concern you can imagine as our Academy is made up of a team of passionate and experienced veterinarians, dog trainers, and animal lovers. Together, we combine our extensive knowledge and experience to take the guesswork out of knowing what wellness, lifestyle, and healthcare choices will be of greatest benefit to your dog or cat.

Related Toolkits

Our online gathering place offers learning from various subject-matter experts via webinars, videos, and our interactive forum. Together, we tackle issues and explore solutions for a better way for our pets (and us!) to live well.

nutrition toolkit

Registering for the Nutrition Toolkit gives you immediate access to 20+ information-packed webinars hosted by experienced veterinarians and other pet health & wellness experts. You’ll feel educated, empowered, and supported to take your pet’s nutrition to the next level. Webinars include: Mindful feeding, Probiotics, Fermented foods, Fresh food feeding, Supplements, etc. Plus you’ll get a comprehensive illustrated fillable handout on taking your pet’s nutrition to the next level: includes a worksheet to help you decide what works best for your family.

anxiety relief toolkit

Learn effective, natural anxiety prevention and management strategies from the expert faculty of Holistic Actions! & guests. This toolkit gives you access to 11+ recorded webinars on addressing anxiety, 6 handouts and ebooks, plus recordings of a wonderful virtual de-stress with your pet retreat. In addition to feeling more confident managing your pet’s anxiety, you will learn some tools for managing yours, as well.

allergy toolkit

Allergies are one of the most common health challenges faced by both pets and people. If your furry companion suffers from allergy symptoms, it can be excruciating for them (and you). Pets with allergies often suffer a great deal from the discomfort of constant itching and irritated skin or other symptoms.

Most likely, you have tried many things – possibly steroids, ointments, maybe natural remedies – and they keep coming back.

Good news! Our team of experts have put together this toolkit to help you feel confident addressing your pet’s allergies.

Holistic Actions! Membership
is Right for You if:

  • You want to naturally and effectively ADDRESS ROOT CAUSES rather than just treating symptoms.
  • You want to go BEYOND TREATING DISEASE and instead improve balance and vitality to PROMOTE AND PRESERVE GLOWING HEALTH.
  • You want to SAVE MONEY on vet bills by learning how to prevent common problems and diseases and support your pet’s health for the rest of their life.
  • You’re READY TO STOP feeding your pets kibble, treating them with toxic chemicals, and taking actions that run the risk of creating the very problems you’re trying to avoid or solve
  • You want to FEEL EMPOWERED AND CONFIDENT about the medical choices you make, knowing you won’t run the risk of hurting your pet in the process of trying to help them.
  • You want to feel CONNECTED TO A COMMUNITY of like minded pet lovers.