Can Nutritional Supplements Hurt Your Pets?

Can Nutritional Supplements Hurt Your Pets?

We live in a fast-paced society. We want quick results. Especially when our beloved pets develop scary symptoms.

Drugs are designed to eliminate these symptoms. And in many cases, they do this quite effectively.

At the same time, many of us have become more holistically-oriented. We prefer to avoid artificial drugs when possible. Especially since we know that many of them can have harmful side effects, including death.

That’s where supplements come in. A healthier and more natural alternative.

To Supplement Or Not To Supplement?

Extensive research shows that some of these natural drugs are very effective. Healing mechanisms of the body can be supported by nutritional supplements. That’s a good thing.

But is it all good?


Two reasons.

The most common is that supplements can be used to hide important symptom clues. Covering them up, like drugs often do, can actually slow down the deep healing process that leads to happier and longer lives for our pets.

Even food can be used to do the same thing. One example is the pup that “needs” to eat a special diet or else he gets diarrhea, or itchy skin (or some other symptom).

The diet is being used to cover up symptoms.

The real problem in this case is that the allergic threshold is too low. The food is being used to cover up symptoms that are important and helpful to monitor and treat directly.

In this case, an underlying immune hypersensitivity causes the low allergy threshold. But the symptom clues are being covered up. So the real problem can’t be treated directly.

Don’t Cover-Up The Symptoms

Why should we avoid covering up these symptoms? Because the result of internal treatment is that fewer foods trigger an allergic reaction. Sometimes even resolution of otherwise “incurable” allergies.

Seeing and treating the underlying dis-ease (imbalance) is important to resolving the symptoms that caused the use of drugs or supplements in the first place.

The second, but much less common problem with supplement use is that they can increase the work of important organs like the liver and kidneys. Again, slowing down, and even worsening health.

So mindful use of supplements can help. But overuse can hurt.

This may seem confusing and contradictory, but it’s really not.

If you have any questions about how nutritional supplementation can be helpful, or harmful, feel free to post them in the private Holistic Actions! Facebook group.

How the B.E.A.M. Symptoms Can Transport Your Itchy Pet To Better Health

How the B.E.A.M. Symptoms Can Transport Your Itchy Pet To Better Health

Hot spots and skin infections are dangerous.

When you look good you feel good.

Neither is true.

Yet they motivate us to act rashly when caring for our beloved companion animals.

Believing these fallacies can harm our pets (and ourselves!). We’re afraid of the possibility of self -trauma breaking the skin and causing (secondary) bacterial and yeast infections. We get scared of skin symptoms so we cover them up. Quickly. Often with very strong medications.

Fear is the motivator of a lot that we do. It doesn’t need to be that way.

Rapid removal of skin symptoms may help us sleep better (no itching to wake us up) and help our animals look good externally. But at what price? Shorter lives. Lower quality of life. Aren’t these most important?

Let’s put it all together

By doing so, they can both look good and feel good. And live longer. We can have our 30 year old cats and 15 year old Great Danes back!

How? By balancing our quick action and rush visits to the veterinarian with mindful treatment. Get that exam and treatment opinion. Visit the vet dermatologist if needed. They can help you identify and avoid your companion animal’s allergic triggers.

Then pause. Let the wisdom of the body be your guide. Take advantage of the sacred paws that helps you do what is best for you and your animal. Especially when it comes to removing rashes. There’s no need to be afraid of them and immediately treat them aggressively with steroids (or Atopica, or Apoquel, or Cytopoint, etc.).

We’re blessed with clues from the Vital body. The greater the Vitality, the stronger the clues. Use them. Don’t lose them (symptom clues). Symptoms and their treatment don’t need to scare you into quick action. There is a simple way to calm the frantic fears that are shortening our pet’s lives.

That is by following the B.E.A.M. symptoms. Knowing and using them will make a huge difference in quality and length of life. B.E.A.M. puts skin symptoms back where they belong. Into the overall context of having a healthy pet. Not just one that temporarily looks good and seems to feel better.

So what are these “magical” B.E.A.M. symptoms?

  1. B=Behavior
  2. E=Energy
  3. A=Appetite
  4. M=Mood

Simple, right? Yes. Simple but powerful. Using them will let your animals shine. B.E.A.M. symptoms should not be getting worse during treatment. No matter how you do it. If any of them are worsening, stop what you’re doing. Re-evaluate. Look at the bigger picture. Interpret skin symptoms within the context of long-term health.

Be well.

Dr. Jeff

How to Decide if Allergies Should Be the Focus of Your Treatment

How to Decide if Allergies Should Be the Focus of Your Treatment

Sophia is an adorable rescue pup safe and warm with her adoptive parents in Mexico.

Her history includes hepatitis and elevated liver enzymes, a luxating patella (dis-locating kneecap), allergies and some emotional ”issues”.

Are Sophia’s allergies really the main problem?

They are prominent and problematic. But are they really what needs to be fixed?

Sophia’s case is a great example of the benefits of observing and describing all of the symptoms. Especially in dogs and cats that have multiple health challenges.

Not focusing just on the most prominent and obvious symptoms.

Sophia had gone to the vet many times to try and help her itchy skin and rashes. The other problems were not considered to be related to her allergies.

It’s a big mistake to treat allergic symptoms as separate from the whole individual.

It was only during Sophia’s holistic evaluation that the other problems were even mentioned. They weren’t the focus of attention for her guardian or her veterinarians.

Treating one set of symptoms and diagnosis will not permanently resolve the underlying problem.

In this case, Sophia had been diagnosed with allergic skin disease related to environmental and food allergies. Many potential allergic triggers were found through extensive (and expensive) testing.

Special diets, fatty acids, anti-histamines and eventually steroids were used to control her itch. She didn’t itch while she took the steroids. As soon as she stopped them however, the itching returned.

When taking the steroids Sophia drank so much that she urinated all over the house. These treatments affected her quality of life. In addition, they only helped temporarily because they did not look in detail at the specific symptoms.

General symptom descriptions like “itching” or “a rash” only allow partial treatment. The underlying imbalance needs to be individualized to acieve the best outcome.

Because Sophia’s current treatment method was not working, her guardian started looking at other approaches. Ones that both looked closer at her specific symptoms as well as the rest of her life.

Holistic treatments are based on Sophia’s total symptom picture including her lifestyle, environment, and all physical and emotional symptoms.

The whole-istic approach takes into account the totality of symptoms. Sophia’s liver, joint and behavior issues were important parts of her totality. Not just her skin symptoms.

When they were considered within the context of her total being the drugs and supplements were eventually able to be stopped. Sophia’s itching didn’t return. Thanks to her new found internal balance.

Sophia was now fine when exposed to triggers that used to cause extreme itching. Her diet no longer had to be restricted. She ate a varied fresh food diet and remains itch free years later.

Not only that, but thanks to Sophia’s new holistic lifestyle her liver abnormalities resolved, she’s walking better and is calmer and not as anxious. She is having a richer and happier life!

You can also learn how to approach dis-ease treatment holistically. Proactively prevent dis-eases and manage them more effectively.

That’s what we do every day in our supportive Holistic Actions! Community. Join use below.

Be well.

Dr. Jeff

Holistic Actions!  for Itchy Pets

Holistic Actions! for Itchy Pets

Is Your Pet Allergic (and why)?

Itching, scratching and chewing to distraction. Some pets may even itch all day and night. Their quality of life (and our sleep) can be seriously affected. Many very itchy pets are generically labelled as “allergic”.

Are allergies even a real disease? Are they “incurable” as the dermatology specialists say? Can chronically itchy pets be helped without drugs?

Dogs and cats that itch excessively have a a common problem. They have imbalanced immune systems. Itchy skin is just one allergic manifestation. Seasonal rhinitis is a more common manifestation of this immune hypersensitivity in humans.

In my experience, with patience and perseverance the underlying allergic problem can often be resolved. Often many drugs have already been used. This makes resolution even more difficult.

Is There Hope for the Severely Itchy Pet?

Homeopathic treatment has helped many allergic pets. Relief of my own lifelong severe allergic rhinitis is one of the minor miracles which brought me to homeopathy in the first place.

Help your own pet get relief with these 5 steps:
1. After your local vet rules out parasites like fleas and mites, find a vet homeopath to **help interpret signs and symptoms  in contextand guide you through this process.

2. Feed a species-appropriate diet. Ideally a raw and meat-based variety. Almost any food upgrade can help however. Fresh food feeding alone will help avoid artificial dietary triggers and increase immune health.

3. Brush your pet daily. Even better is to first use a mild shampoo such as the lavender-containing Tranquility from Zen Dog or spray with a skin moisturizer like Hy-Lyt. Dry skin is a big itch trigger.

4. Supplement the diet when needed. Natural antihistamines like Bio-C (vitamin C) and grape seed extract. Ultra-EFA and other balanced fatty acids + zinc are very useful.

5. Reduce stress. Increase exercise and environmental stimulation. Some pets scratch, over groom pull out their fur, etc. strictly from boredom. Itching can also be caused by treatable anxieties.

These five steps have helped over 90% of the itchy pets that I have seen in almost thirty years of practice.

Be well.

Dr. Jeff