What Are The Symptoms of Pregnancy in Cats?

Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman

Cats cycle frequently so they are prone to getting pregnant if you don’t spay or neuter them so knowing what symptoms to look for are important. The most frequent symptom is actually related back to cycling which happens every two weeks. The first symptom that you see may be that she’s stopped cycling. When she gets pregnant she will stop cycling. Another symptom that is an early symptom is the nipples start pinking up, getting a little pink and a little swollen. Another symptom is she starts eating more because she’s eating for herself and the babies. 

During that time, it’s really important to be treating her with the best fresh food nutrition that you can get her to eat. Another treatment that is really important when a kitty is pregnant is minimizing stress. So try not to let her get too freaked out, things going on in the environment, trying to minimize treatments, other drugs. 

The last treatment I would say is not really a treatment but getting an area set up and ready for her to have her babies. To offer to use the whelping box, have the whelping box to have the babies, cats don’t often comply with that but one treatment would definitely be to get ready for the cleaning you’ll expect a couple months after she gets pregnant.

Hi, I’m Jeff Feinman, holistic veterinarian here in Western Connecticut and I’m answering pet parent questions for HolisticActions! and thank you for joining me!

Suggested Treatments: 

  • great nutrition
  • minimizing stressors, and getting the space prepared
  • heating lamps

Related Symptoms: 

  • estrus cycles stop
  • pinking up/nipples swelling
  • weight gain
  • increased appetite
  • clinginess

DISCLAIMER: Holistic Actions! does not provide advice on certified medical treatments. Content is intended for informational purposes only and to equip you with the tools needed for Holistic Medical Decision Making (HMDM). It is not a substitute for clinical assessment, diagnosis, or treatment. Never use content found on the Holistic Actions! website as the basis for ignoring advice from your veterinarian to seek treatment. If you think you may have a veterinary emergency, please call your vet or an animal hospital immediately.


Dr. Jeff

Jeffrey Feinman, BA, VMD, CVH, graduated in 1985 from the University of Pennsylvania and was Penn’s first veterinary dual-degree University Scholar, holding both molecular biology and veterinary degrees. He is the founder of HolisticActions.com and dedicated to pet parent empowerment.

Dr. Jeff is devoted to researching about how to harness the innate power of the individual using Vitality and Balance. He and his wonderful wife Amy live with Archie, a rescue pup, and a Rex cat named Tigger.

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