Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman
It depends on the context of the individual. The most common symptom that I see is actually no physical symptom but rather detection on a routine blood test. It’s a good reason to get routine blood tests at your veterinarian periodically. They likely do it before any routine surgical procedure.
But symptoms you’ll commonly see other than no symptoms are things such as stunted, decreased growth, drinking a lot, urinating a lot, and other urinating symptoms, changes in appetite, symptoms like vomiting, symptoms like diarrhea.
The treatments really will depend on your individual pet’s diagnostic workup but treatments like upgrading of the diet while decreasing the phosporus, treatments like supportive supplements like AminAvast and Rx renal, and many other treatments that your veterinarian will work with you to find a solution.
Hi, I’m Jeff Feinman, here in Weston, Connecticut. I’m answering pet parent questions for HolisticActions. Thank you for joining.
Suggested Treatments:
- fresh food feeding
- A phosphorus binder like Aventi kidney complete
- AminAvast
Related Symptoms:
- Drinking a lot (polydipsia)
- Urinating alot (polyuria)
- Decreased appetite (dysrexia and anorexia)
DISCLAIMER: Holistic Actions! does not provide advice on certified medical treatments. Content is intended for informational purposes only and to equip you with the tools needed for Holistic Medical Decision Making (HMDM). It is not a substitute for clinical assessment, diagnosis, or treatment. Never use content found on the Holistic Actions! website as the basis for ignoring advice from your veterinarian to seek treatment. If you think you may have a veterinary emergency, please call your vet or an animal hospital immediately.

Dr. Jeff
Jeffrey Feinman, BA, VMD, CVH, graduated in 1985 from the University of Pennsylvania and was Penn’s first veterinary dual-degree University Scholar, holding both molecular biology and veterinary degrees. He is the founder of and dedicated to pet parent empowerment.
Dr. Jeff is devoted to researching about how to harness the innate power of the individual using Vitality and Balance. He and his wonderful wife Amy live with Archie, a rescue pup, and a Rex cat named Tigger.