Can I Give My Dog Benadryl for Allergies?

Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau

Yes, you can give your dog Benadryl for allergies. It can be a temporary help in eliminating sneezing, runny eyes, itching, sleeplessness, and certainly can be given. The dosage is usually a milligram per pound but different dogs react differently to it and, again, it’s only temporary help. 

What you should do instead of using Benadryl is to seek out one of the holistic treatments that can deeply cure your animal. This way, these symptoms you’re using Benadryl for never return and you never need to give Benadryl to your dog again. A holistic approach also means you won’t have any of the side effects that you would with Benadryl. 

Holistic treatments that can help for itchiness, sneezing, or runny eyes would include things like Flower Essences, essential oils, and acupressure, which you can do yourself at home. Just pressing on the different points that you’ve learned through consulting Holistic Actions! Academy or various great websites on acupressure points for your dog. Hopefully, you’ll never have to turn to Benadryl again. 

This is Dr. Christina Chambreau, licensed veterinarian faculty with Holistic Actions! Academy.

Related Symptoms: 

  • Sleeplessness
  • Swelling 
  • Runny eyes

Suggested Treatments: 

  • Fresh food diet/diet changes
  • Flower Essences
  • Reiki or Bengston Method

DISCLAIMER: Holistic Actions! does not provide advice on certified medical treatments. Content is intended for informational purposes only and to equip you with the tools needed for Holistic Medical Decision Making (HMDM). It is not a substitute for clinical assessment, diagnosis, or treatment. Never use content found on the Holistic Actions! website as the basis for ignoring advice from your veterinarian to seek treatment. If you think you may have a veterinary emergency, please call your vet or an animal hospital immediately.


Dr. Christina

Christina Chambreau, DVM, is an internationally known homeopathic veterinarian and associate editor of the Integrative Veterinary Care Journal, she’s written several books on animal healthcare. 

After opening her own homeopathy veterinary practice in 1983, she founded the Academy Of Veterinary Homeopathy and was on the faculty of the National Center for Homeopathy Summer School for ten years.

Dr. Christina is also an integrative medicine adjunct faculty liaison for the Maryland Veterinary Technician Program and lectures on a wide array of topics including integrating holistic options into veterinary practices, as well as guidance on how to choose the best approaches to heal animals and sustainability.

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