SUMMARY: Dr. Peter Dobias joined us to share some amazing tips to enhance longevity and promote healthy aging. Dr. Peter discussed things like feeding fresh food, increasing engagement, optimizing exercise and possibly using supplements like NMN. These actions can help maintain and regain vitality for all animals and people.

  • 00:00 Introductions
  • 06:20 Meeting a 31 year old dog & learning from pets
  • 13:10 Stiffness and pain
  • 20:45 Nutrients for mobility
  • 25:00 NSAIDS – non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
  • 29:25 What to feed older pets
  • 32:00 Dental care
  • 38:30 Pet dementia & confusion / sourcing omega3
  • 41:30 Urinary/fecal incontincence
  • 42:30 Liver disease
  • 43:20 Why is dog gaining weight
  • 46:50 NAD / mtor/ cellular health
  • 59:00 How to deal with fear of loss