Tonight, Donna Lozito, an animal communicator and homeopath shared her amazing journey and gave us a wonderful overview of the power of energy balance and transfer.

Key Takeaways

  • Animal communication allows us to understand an animal’s viewpoint and unique perception of the world. This builds a deeper connection and can help address behavioral issues.
  • Energy fields surround us and interact, influencing each other. Being aware of our own energy and emotions allows us to better understand our impact.
  • Homeopathy views symptoms as an expression of imbalance beginning in the energetic field. It aims to stimulate the vital force and support the body’s natural healing.
  • Practicing quieting the mind and listening from the heart space strengthens intuitive communication between people and animals.
  • Homeopathy book recommendations: Wendy Jensen “Practical handbook of veterinary homeopathy”, Don Hamilton “Homeopathic care of cats and dogs”


Donna Lozito’s Background

Donna shared her journey with animal communication beginning with her horse Sweetie. Despite physical treatments, his leg injury wouldn’t heal until she communicated with him about boosting his immune system. This experience led her to study animal communication and homeopathy.

Mechanics of Energy Communication

Information transfers telepathically along energetic pathways between living beings. It is a spirit-to-spirit connection sourced from the heart. Being still and open allows us to receive intuitive impressions.

Energy Fields and Influence

We each have an energy field or aura that interacts with those around us, often unconsciously impacting each other. Animals reflect back to us what lies dormant within ourselves. Conscious communication and addressing internal issues can shift the energy.

Homeopathy Principles

Based on the law of similars, remedies stimulate the vital force by matching a substance’s energetic imprint to the individual’s symptoms. Physical manifestations begin as energetic imbalances. Homeopathy aims to support the body’s innate healing wisdom.

Developing Intuitive Communication

Practicing quieting the mind and listening from the heart space on a regular basis with our animals strengthens intuitive communication. Even imperfect attempts build the “intuitive muscle.”

  • 00:00 Introductions
  • 03:00 Donna presents her topic
  • 04:20 Donna’s horse story – beginning of her journey
  • 20:30 Movement of energy
  • 25:00 Camel story/Communicating with animals
  • 28:00 How energy fields interact
  • 31:00 How imbalances begin
  • 43:25 Tuning into the energetic field
  • 45:15 Q&A: how do you work with homeopathy and animal communication
  • 50:40 Q&A: animal communication challenges