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Dog vomits a lot


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2021
My dog regurgitates his food a lot. It can happen when he is nervous, after he gets a treat, or projectile from sleep. It can happen five times in a day or night and then not happen for a few days. He usually wants to eat it right back up and often keeps it down so not sure it's an upset tummy thing. He is a nervous dog and a lot of changes in the household lately. I'm exploring getting some flower essences, but in the meantime is there anything I should be doing? He eats raw, but I've tried dehydrated raw powder and kibble form, different brands, different proteins, chunks of meat (this is usually the worst).

My best guess is it's a digestive thing from his breed. Any suggestions? He's a four year old French bulldog, rescued at 11 months. He eats anywhere between 3-8% of his body weight. The vet never tells me he is underweight, even when I ask, but I get accused of not feeding him enough all the time. I've got him steady at 25 lbs (vet says 23-30 is fine for him, at 23 you can really see his ribs badly) and about 4% in food (1lb). we haven't been exercising as much as usual because it's super cold, time has been hard with all the changes, and his fears have made play and walks harder. He also gets rashes and is overdue for rabies. I want to get things under control before getting that jab.

Any suggestions or insights would be helpful.

Thank you

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Good for you to want him healthy before getting the rabies vaccine.

Rather than thinking it is a breed issue, think about it as a vital force/energetic imbalance and therefore look at all the symptoms in context.

Definitely get started right away on some flower essences for digestion and for anxiety @Dr. Jean may have some ideas on the essences. Even starting today with Rescue Remedy (found at any health food store and even some regular pharmacies) may help.

I would also be addressing the gut microbiome. When it is weak it can cause anxiety and digestive upsets. Probiotics, Prebiotics and fecal transplants can hep with this.

There are a lot of suggestions in the resource area - go here - HA! Resources - Holistic Actions! - then look at Brain and Behavior for the anxiety; digestive system for the vomiting and weight.

Schedule your 15 monthly call for a bit more guidance.

The very best, though that you could do since you are new to holistic and this is a lot of vomiting, would be to begin now to work with a good holistic veterinarian. All the web sites to help you find one and a great article on how to select and work with one: How to Select an Integrative Holistic Veterinarian - Holistic Actions!

Dr. Chambreau


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2021
Thank you, Dr. Christina. I started using rescue remedy couple weeks ago. I didn't notice much change with him, but when I started putting one drop in the communal bowl I have noticed some good changes in my cats. Maybe he needs more. I will be ordering some online soon. He is currently getting both pre and probiotics. He really doesn't like eating at the moment though so I get weary about adding too much extra. I will check out those extra resources.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi July-

If this is Mutsu (who you posted about elsewhere), I bet the regurgitation is just another symptom clue to his underlying energetic imbalance.

The sniffing which I mentioned should "fix" both symptoms (by virtue of its energy-building ability).


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2021
Dr Jeff, it is Mutsu. Still waiting for the snuffle mat, but have made some homemade sniff toys (treat in muffin tins with balls or toys on top, a box filled with toys and treats). He really need a lot of help and then vomits, but he really likes them. He will stop playing to ask for the muffin tin (which is on a counter). Slowly working on the energy imbalances for everyone in my house (3 kitties, Mutsu, and me). I think things are improving.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Fantastic that he's a bit better July!

BTW-Interesting seminar from Cornell yesterday that associates vomiting/regurg with the flat-faced dog breathing problem.

Does he snore or have loud (or any) respiratory sounds?


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2021
Yes, that is why I was thinking it may be his fear plus breed. His does snore quite a bit. I've even woken up to his snoring motor shaking my leg because he placed his head there. Haha

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