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Annie blood in stool with potential bowel blockage - appetite decrease - and potential kidney disease


Mar 8, 2021
and to add....it seems that she has a milky white film on her tongue, I notice it when she sticks out her tongue while she is doing her awkward licking thing (like she's trying to get a taste out of her mouth).

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Tina. How long she can safely fast depends on her weight. If she's already pretty skinny, she shouldn't fast too long and you may even want to monitor her caloric intake.

Fortunately the appetite (and energy) part of BEAM are among the first things to change after a homeopathically prescribed medicine.

Yes, her swollen tongue, especially if it is sensitive, can affect her eating. Does she salivate, paw at her mouth, or look hungry but not eat?

An exam by a vet is a great idea as long as they're OK with not giving any injections.


Mar 8, 2021
Hi Dr Jeff, thank you. She was maybe 3-5lbs overweight to start with. She hasn't been pawing at her mouth, I have only noticed this tongue smacking behavior like she has a taste she's trying to get rid of. I have seen a bit of saliva but not in a drooling sense, and she seems only mildly interested in food. She took in about a teaspoon of a pate-turkey/turkey liver food last night then lost interest, and then threw up again early this morning (4-5 am or so). I offered her a frozen piece of Answers this morning that she could lick and she was interested, took a few licks then turned her head since it seemed to bother her tongue. She tried a couple of times but then decided it wasn't worth it.
I would like to continue trying syringe-feeding broth but worried if that is going to aggravate her stomach.

By injections at the vet, are you referring to vitamin or other medicine (non-va((ine) injections that I should avoid?
Are there particular interventions the vet might suggest that you would think are okay (or others that I should be sure to avoid) or do you feel that the primary value in a vet visit to help assess a possible tongue/mouth inflammation issue? I am sorry that I am so confused in my distressed state right now.
I really appreciate any thoughts you are able to offer me!


Mar 8, 2021
...and I will add, my questions on seeing a vet are more around my concern with any interventions that might interfere with the homeopathic approach that I'm wanting to pursue (including the stress on her system overall).

And an after-morning walk update also: she took a little bit of food this morning after a nice walk where she met a few friends. She took a few bites from the spoon, then went to get water as if to "clear" or "cool" her tongue/throat, then came back to get another few bites. Repeated the water intake, then came back for another little nibble. She is a miracle dog though because with hardly any food over the past week, she took herself up our stairs after our walk (I went to pick her up but she decided to do it on her own).

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Morning Tina-

Yes, she is a miracle dog! Go Annie!! :snowman:

By injections I primarily meant avoiding "antis" like an anti-biotic or an anti-inflammatory (steroid).

IMHO, her recovery is incumbent on our nurturing the fading flame of her vital force.

The very best way to do this is with the Happiness Protocol that we discussed and which you are wonderfully implementing by her therapeutic sniff walks, engagement with you, her dog friends, and her environment.

Try to get her out to sniff around for 10-15 every few hours this weekend and watch her get stronger and stronger and eat better and better (little by little).

A vet visit and exam and conventional opinion would be a great idea if you can get her in today. That will allow your supportive local vet to assess her progress and detect any new exam findings.


Mar 8, 2021
Hi Dr Jeff - we got Annie into the vet for a quick physical exam and she seems to be looking good! Here were her notes:
H&l ok no murmur normal rhythm
EEN OU lentic sclerosis
LMN ok
MS ok
chin n muzzle not swollen as O thought
Teeth no teeth tongue hangs to side but able to move normally and not swollen and normal color,
Pulses normal
Tongue Pink
Anal glands empty (although I do notice butt scooting)
After vet visit, we took her to a nearby nature center in the woods with a creek where we used to go all the time and she was quite energized and happy to be there. She got tired after some time and I carried her back to car but it was thrilling to see her energy and demeanor perk up like that!!! I started the Phos 6c last night so she has had two doses in total so far.
Thank you so much for helping me through this healing process so far. It is fascinating and a little scary for me even with my strong belief in the intelligence of our own bodies.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You're welcome, Tina, and fantastic news about the vet visit and romp at the nature center!


VIP Member
Feb 11, 2018
Hi Tina,
You are doing a great job and Annie is lucky to have you on her healing team... As far as the sound healing goes, I would go to Youtube. There are a lot lengthy clips with crystal bowls and Tibetan singing bowls.
I hope this helps. Sound healing is amazing!
Jackie ( also an Eskie lover w/2 in residence (-: )

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
How is Annie today?:dogrun:


Mar 8, 2021
Hi Dr Jeff. thanks for checking in - her appetite seems a little better today (she ate twice) although energy seems slightly lower than yesterday - she seems to have a bit less stamina on our walks than yesterday. We took her back to the nature center for a nice slow trail hike (late morning, after our early morning neighborhood walk where she ran into a little friend and was quite playful for a few moments). I brought some food with us on our trail hike to try feeding her out there and she was very receptive to eating then. And I didn't notice her throwing up the food (it's been 7 hours or so). However, she did throw up a large volume of water first thing this morning (after drinking a huge volume) and then about 10 minutes later she rushed outside to throw up a somewhat notable volume of bile. Its almost as if her stomach in the morning hasn't "woken" up yet and doesn't like all the water she tries to drink first thing in the morning. I did give her a syringe (gently) with some marshmallow root tea and then the swab of Phos, just before she threw up, so perhaps that triggered things for her? She ate two small cubes of stewed beef last night (which I was thrilled for). She did have quite a bit of diarrea (quite dark) early this morning (while we were sleeping she took herself downstairs to poop), more volume than I've seen in the past week which has been so little of anything that I'm thinking/hoping that seeing more might actually be a good sign?
(btw: I ordered the IonPacific generator yesterday)


Mar 8, 2021
Hi Dr Christina - yes I did :) She did a very brief physical exam - I posted her notes above - she didn't find anything notable but normal heart rate, pulses, color of tongue/gums, didn't think anything looked swollen (I will admit that her muzzle and tongue still look slightly swollen to me compared to what she normally is, even if not swollen by veterinarian standards). So overall, I felt happy to see nothing obvious was jumping out at her though!


Mar 8, 2021
Hi Dr Jeff and Dr Christina - I'm happy to report that Annie did not throw up last night or this morning and ate a full packet of chicken/mackeral last night! Her energy still pretty low, she wasn't quite as interested in her corgie friend Otis this morning as normal but was still interested in going out for a walk at least - but we didn't go too far since she was quite tired after the little bit of fast trotting she attempted. I'm so happy she didn't throw up or have a night-time bout of diarrhea.

Dr Jeff - where/how would you like to receive Annie's prior labs and vet reports?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Great news Tina about eating and no vomiting!

It's also wonderful to hear that she didn't wake you last night with diarrhea!

She doesn't need to walk far to get lots of great therapeutic sniffing.

Your vets can send records/test results to drjeff@holisticactions.com

Have a lovely Monday Tina. Maybe I'll see you for Dr. Sue's CSI webinar tonight.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Dogs and people can easily go for weeks without eating. How's her weight? Being very underweight is often a good reason not to fast (too long).

I think you mentioned her tongue at her most recent vet visit and that the vet said it looked OK. Has it gotten much worse? If not, I don't think the vet is going to see much.

However, as I mentioned before your last vet visit, I think an exam is always a good idea as long as you're cautious with any drugs they prescribe (as @HealthyPet was recently).



Mar 8, 2021
Thank you Dr Jeff! Her weight on Saturday was 21.8 lbs, which is in range for her although her healthiest weight is probably 20lbs so she was carrying a few extra pounds (maybe 23lbs) before these latest challenges started.
Regarding her tongue, it isn't getting worse, but now I'm wondering about mouth ulcers. She had her teeth removed last year (something I will always regret, it's painful for me to even type this out) due to severe periodontitis and vet specialist insisting this was necessary and making me feel bad for NOT wanting to do it, and at that time they noted mouth ulcers. I was under impression they were caused by her very unhealthy teeth. Her eating went back to totally normal (voracious appetite, excited for her meals) so I again assumed all fine. But in the past month, I've noticed a rust stain on her upper left lip, the side where her tongue now usually hangs out (from the lack of teeth). The vet this past weekend didn't mention anything about ulcers but I'm now wondering if this was checked sufficiently?

She didn't eat anything yesterday, no interest whatsoever, but this morning she was looking at me with subtle sign of hunger and when I offered her two choices, she took several good nibbles of the duck/rabbit pate option. She has no interest in the Answers milk (which she used to like) which was offered after she ate the pate.

This morning before breakfast/upon waking (6:30am), she did throw up a tiny amount of bile but after an enormous consumption of water, she kept that in fine. And her morning walk this morning was a little better than yesterday since she seemed to have slightly more energy. Her diarrhea is still occurring, with blood spots coming out (deep/bright red). She continues to strain after the diarrhea is out.

Her energy yesterday wasn't too great (she would start closing her eyes while we were out in the woods for our walk) but she didn't throw up all day.

I dosed her the Phos after she had her mini-breakfast. I am also doing red light/NIR on her each day.
Not sure if there is anything else I should be trying at this point or keep going with the Phos and the frequent mini-walks?


Mar 8, 2021
.....and I'm also playing various sound therapy music throughout the day....good for both of us :)

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Thanks for the Annie update, Tina.

What method are you using to give Phos., and how often are you doing it?

Do you see any changes in her BEAM within hours after a dose?


Mar 8, 2021
Friday-Sunday I was dosing 1x per day (using q-tip on the gums) with 1 pellet diluted in 1 cup of filtered water. Succession 10x before each dose. I don't notice any changes within hours of a dose.
Yesterday (Monday) I thought I would try giving an evening dose as well.

On Saturday after her am dose, her BEAM seemed to have improved quite notably. She had thrown up early in the morning (bile) but her energy seemed to have picked up by the time we went on our early morning walk (she walked up our stairs after the walk which surprised me). This was also vet visit day (after the am walk). She was really happy during our nature center walk - quite energized relatively speaking, that walk was around noon.
On Sunday she wasn't quite as energized (that was day she had thrown up lots of water in the morning and had desperate bout of diarrhea) - this was immediately after I had given the dose, which was before our morning walk. We returned to nature center mid-day and she enjoyed herself but had less energy than day before. She did eat that day though, both in the morning and later in the day.

Yesterday, her energy decreased somewhat, and she had no appetite at all.
So last night I gave her a second dose.

Today I gave her dose after our morning walk and after she had her little breakfast. She sat around for a little while in an alert state but now she is nestled in for her morning sleep routine.

Saturday seemed to show the biggest improvement in BEAM but her energy hasn't stayed at that level since but she was interested in food again today.

Do you think the am/pm dosing is good to proceed with?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
AM/PM dosing may indeed be good for Annie.

Are you using the original solution, or making up a new cup each day?

You might want to paws for a day but increase her sniffing, petting and interactions (with you, the environment or other dogs) to see what her body "says".

If she doesn't continue to improve without dosing, you might also want to increase from 10 to 15 succussions with your next doses.

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