Your pet's name: Murphy
sex: m
Neutering status: vasectomy
3. Breed: springer spaniel
4. Approximate weight : 35
5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) B: mostly normal
E: ok, below normal
A: fine, but fasting today
M: ok, tolerating travel, little nervous
6. Diet : fasting today, typically combo of: Just food for dogs (fish/potato), boiled chicken, acana dry food(lamb/pumpkin), hill’s prescription digestive care I.d.,
Currently giving him proviable forte, tmrw will add in both, goat kefir, pumpkin
7. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication: vaccinated for: rabies, lepto, parvo, distemper, botdetella… currently taking gabapentin 300mg, clonodine hcl 0.1 mg for stress of traveling
8. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time: been traveling(which stressed Murphy a lot) for one week with one week to go (can go home early if needed- 2 day drive) Sept 26th 10 am loose stool with mucous turned to diarrhea 11:30, 5pm and 7 pm.
Sept 27th 3:30am quite a bit of blood in loose stool. Has been fasting all day today, no bowel mvmts since 3:30am.
9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?
10. Has any diagnostic work been done? No: called all vets in area, nobody able to see him.
11. Current and previous treatment. Proviable forte started 26th, started rescue remedy. Tmrw can do Merrick bone broth (the only I can find), pumpkin… can slowly add in boiled chicken in a few days. Also just bought goat kefir and raw cow kefir, fortiflora symbiotic action
Wondering how much and when to give probiotics and food?
12. Other health concerns. Wondering at what point would be indicators to just go home…?
13. Tag a doctor:
@Dr. Jeff, @Dr. Christina

sex: m
Neutering status: vasectomy
3. Breed: springer spaniel
4. Approximate weight : 35
5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) B: mostly normal
E: ok, below normal
A: fine, but fasting today
M: ok, tolerating travel, little nervous
6. Diet : fasting today, typically combo of: Just food for dogs (fish/potato), boiled chicken, acana dry food(lamb/pumpkin), hill’s prescription digestive care I.d.,
Currently giving him proviable forte, tmrw will add in both, goat kefir, pumpkin
7. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication: vaccinated for: rabies, lepto, parvo, distemper, botdetella… currently taking gabapentin 300mg, clonodine hcl 0.1 mg for stress of traveling
8. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time: been traveling(which stressed Murphy a lot) for one week with one week to go (can go home early if needed- 2 day drive) Sept 26th 10 am loose stool with mucous turned to diarrhea 11:30, 5pm and 7 pm.
Sept 27th 3:30am quite a bit of blood in loose stool. Has been fasting all day today, no bowel mvmts since 3:30am.
9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?
10. Has any diagnostic work been done? No: called all vets in area, nobody able to see him.
11. Current and previous treatment. Proviable forte started 26th, started rescue remedy. Tmrw can do Merrick bone broth (the only I can find), pumpkin… can slowly add in boiled chicken in a few days. Also just bought goat kefir and raw cow kefir, fortiflora symbiotic action
Wondering how much and when to give probiotics and food?
12. Other health concerns. Wondering at what point would be indicators to just go home…?
13. Tag a doctor:
@Dr. Jeff, @Dr. Christina