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9 Year old Lab Mix experiencing reduced mobility, low energy and weight/muscle mass loss


Jul 2, 2024
Hi all, I am new here and feel a bit overwhelmed, I apologize for the long post I haven't had the support I've needed for my dog Evie in a while and am grateful for this space and any suggestions, advice, guidance anyone has to point me in a good direction as I feel worried about some symptoms my dog is displaying.

1. Evie

2. 9-10 years old

3. Female dog

4. Spayed

5. Black Lab Mix

6. ~43 pounds

7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood)

Sleeping a lot, unwilling to walk more than 5 minutes or so, slowing down quickly and legs look very stiff, low energy, depressive mood, separation anxiety, appetitie for meat (ate all the pork ribs I gave her) no appetite for fruits or veggies. She still likes to try and play ball but just lies down instead of chasing after it.

8. Diet – was on smallbatch raw food patties and just changed yesterday to raw meaty bones (pork ribs yesterday and today to see if would help with her BEAM)

9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication – all recommended vaccinations when I got her at age of 4-5 yrs old and then another 3 yr rabies vax after that , none for the next few years until last year another 3 yr rabies vaccination. She's been on Trazodone, Gabapentin and some other medications over the years off and on.

10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time

A few problems-

Significant weight loss and muscle mass- significantly this last week. noticeably started after we moved last year, could have been due to stress as she went from living alone to living with a puppy and was playing most of the day with a puppy, she was tired a lot but still wanted to play, she also received the rabies vax right before we moved into that living situation. The weight loss has not improved even after moving into another place without another dog and she has actually lost more weight and muscle mass in this last week even when nothing else diet wise has changed.

Low Energy, Depressive mood - significant change this last week. it's gotten hotter, I've had to leave her outside in the mornings because she barks constantly if left inside alone only when I leave. I have had to be away from the house longer periods of time as I don't have a car anymore.

Reduced mobility, stiff back, and shaky legs upon standing up for long periods or having to use back legs- started after slipping on wet grass a little over a year ago, has gotten better and then worse again and a little better and worse again but never has gone away. Xrays were recommended because displayed discomfort upon being examined in the underside of her pelvis and low back. I didn’t have the money at the time to do xrays and she seemed to get better upon resting, although the symptoms would flare if she exerted herself too much.

Separation anxiety- started when I started going back to work last year for long periods away from the apartment and she was alone. increased significantly after moving twice in the last year, and she was attacked by a roommates dog in my prior living situation, now I live alone in a detached bedroom in the backyard of a new place and it seems to have gotten worse.

11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?

I can’t tell yet… it has been hotter in the summer and I wonder if heat is exacerbating her symptoms as well, I have had to keep her outside in the backyard in mornings as she barks constantly if left inside the bedroom when I leave for work.

12. Has any diagnostic work been done?

She had xrays done when I first got her when she was 4-5 years old and was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia and arthritis, xrays were recommended again for the shaky leg symptom and displaying discomfort upon being poked around in underside right pelvic area after slipping on the wet grass.

13. Current and previous treatment.

No current treatments, past treatment laser therapy and physical therapy, rest. Medications for sedation and reducing anxiety and for when she was attacked last year.

14. Other health concerns.

I am not sure where to start, I haven't been able to attend to her needs as I have wanted to this last year due to the many life changes I have had, including going through financial crises and experiencing instability in my living situations and finances. I am trying to discern if some of these symptoms are urgent or if I have time to watch webinars and read before taking any action for her. Her physical appearance and reduced mobility just in the last week is concerning me as rest doesn't seem to help.

@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Sara can you help me please?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first post Becky. 😍 💚

feel a bit overwhelmed, I haven't had the support I've needed for my dog Evie in a while
Yes, I hear 'ya there. We've got your back. I promise.

she has actually lost more weight and muscle mass in this last week even when nothing else diet wise has changed.
Is she eating well? If she is, can you increase her food? If possible, she'd also have another exam and some baseline blood testing.
it's gotten hotter, I've had to leave her outside in the mornings
Does she have shelter/shade and fresh cold water with ice cubes?
I have had to be away from the house longer periods of time
Is she alone this entire time? Do you have any friends or neighbors that can spend some time with her when you are away? Perhaps a neighborhood kid would like to earn a few bucks...
I am not sure where to start,
Start with the HA! 101 course to help you assess and upgrade her vitality and balance. Then move on to starting her on the Happiness Protocol:

And know that we are here whenever you need us.🤗

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
A few more suggestions, Becky.

You wondered if veterinary care is needed. Because of the rapid weight and muscle loss (though maybe that was from the food that did not agree with her), start as soon as possible with the holistic vet you were going to find.

Start for free by just loving her, eliminating guilt thoughts that your changes impacted her, visualizing her healthy and happy, offering her a lot of choices each day. No "poor baby" thoughts.

Sleeping a lot, unwilling to walk more than 5 minutes or so, slowing down quickly and legs look very stiff, low energy, depressive mood, separation anxiety, appetite for meat (ate all the pork ribs I gave her) no appetite for fruits or veggies. She still likes to try and play ball but just lies down instead of chasing after it.

For how long has she only been able to walk only 5 minutes? and unable to play ball? Is it any better now that she likes her food? It is fine to just eat meat for a while, and no veges. Keep offering a few different things (dairy, broth, raw goats milk, ice cream, pizza, sardines, deli roasted chicken).

Until she has more energy, do not even try for long walks or playing as that may make her feel sad that you want her to. Try the mental stimulation we discussed. do a high five! count to ,2,3, 4. Sniff out the hidden piece of meat (make it easy at first and not too far to walk. Maybe roll a ball a few inches from her paw and have her bat it back to you without having to stand up.

Dr. Christina


Jul 2, 2024
Thank you so much for your response @Dr. Jeff !

I will complete the 101 course and trust. I have an appointment on the books for next week to have a check up/exam done since it has been about a year, and I'll make sure to ask about getting a baseline blood panel done. if her condition progresses and worsens before then I can always take her in to urgent care.

She is eating well, I've given her pork ribs the last three feedings and she's loved them and i gave her more tonight and she ate even more. My concern is about how to feed her more and still stay within spending affordably and how to obtain the meat affordable as I have no car. All new things I'm firguring out as I go. She's had allergies to the cheaper proteins like chicken and beef when I've cooked them for her in the past, would that typically translate to the raw protein as well? Those would be much more affordable to buy more of...

She does have shelter/shade thankfully, a porch. I have someone come walk her midday of my work schedule for 30 minutes, either for a walk or hangout. I'll have them put ice cubes in the water when they change it, as I had not asked them to do that for her before.

Ok I'll start with the 101 course and then move onto the others! Thank you!


Jul 2, 2024
@Dr. Christina Thank you so much! I haven't yet found a Holistic vet, I've reached out to a few and am waiting to hear back, so in the meantime I just booked an appointment with the soonest vet I could find to perhaps rule out anything in need of immediate attention.

I started Reiki with her and giving her choices whether to keep walking to go inside, stay outside or come inside with me, and yes to eliminating guilt thoughts! Thank you for pointing that out.
This had started the last few days, ok sounds good I'll try just meat and I bought some cottage cheese to give her and will try some other items you mentioned as well. Ok great, I will try all those things as well and take her on less distance, thank you again!


Jul 2, 2024
Hi again, @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina

I couldn't find any prior posts about what I am observing with Evie. I finished the 101 course and am so glad to have read it thank you!

It's day three on feeding evie RMB diet, I swear she looks like she's gained weight lol. I just feed her until she stops eating or is done. I've fed her turkey wings, sardines, ice cream, canned salmon, and pork ribs so far. Her BEAM seems overall better , she is initiating play after eating and seems more relaxed in general, her energy seems a bit better and she wants to go on longer walks albeit she is still walking very slowly.

She has developed other symptoms though, some that she's never had before, and they are on the warning list for imbalances so I thought I would ask about them.

Her new symptoms:
She has increased thirst and frequent urination
intermittent loose stools
white color stools
urgency when needing to go to the bathroom.

I researched white stool could be due to too much calcium, is that something to be mindful of then? Also I understand this is a transition for her system as she was eating only ground bones before and i've never fed her whole raw pork ribs or sardines, and I wonder if this is just her system saying it doesn't need as many bones? Or just something that will work itself out... What are your thoughts?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Evie's response to the changes you made Becky sound great!

Isn't it beautiful to watch her BEAM (and body condition) get better?

I researched white stool could be due to too much calcium, is that something to be mindful of then?
Mindful, yes. Tho many dogs getting bones can get white stools. Is she having any difficulty pooping?

Maybe watch how she balances out over the next few days.

When's her vet appointment?
wonder if this is just her system saying it doesn't need as many bones?
Yes! Perhaps decrease the quantity of bones a bit, and see if decreasing her bone consumption effects her BEAM.

@GinnyW, what do you say about the bones and affordable raw feeding?


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
No, try the chicken raw. Cheap and filling:) Not the best food, but way better than canned or preserved. Canned sardines are fine. Turkey is great; see if you can find turkey necks, backs, and other non-weight bearing parts. Look for lamb or pork neckbones. Try to find a pet store or other raw feeders, and see about their sources; there might be a co-op or buying club. But if all you can get is pork, chicken and turkey, add in some canned sardines (no sauce) and you're good. There are some pretty good fancy pet food things, like bagged "kibbles" that are made of meat with a bit of veg, and these are OK if variety is observed with other offerings. You might also get some fish body oil - Omega 3s, in a "people" supplement - and give a spoonful or a couple of capsules daily.

It ain't cheap, but she loves you, so.... We're rootin' for you....


Jul 2, 2024
@Dr. Jeff thank you ! I have an appt with a conventional vet on Friday, still looking for a holistic vet.

I started feeding her small batch ground Turkey with ground organ meat and ground bones in it , as she seemed to do well on that awhile back , not much has changed though, she is having more difficulty pooping rather than loose stools the last couple days. Yesterday she pooped it was solid but very little and she was straining- she’s doing the butt rubs on the floor . I’ll give her some meals with no bones in it to see if that helps though.

Something else is going on too- she’s been panting heavily at nighttime before bedtime and throughout the night , and wakes me up to go outside this just started the last few nights- we have been in a heatwave so I’m seeing if the panting continues tonight even with the decrease in temperature though.

@GinnyW thank you! She showed an allergic reaction to chicken kibble and cooked chicken a few years back so I haven’t given that to her in years- is it possible that her allergies have gotten better or that the raw state of chicken might not trigger an allergic response? Right now something is triggering an inflammatory response as she has gunky eyes and is itching , I’ll try adding in omega 3s to see if that helps any! Ok great thank you for the potential meat source recommendations!

And thank you both so much for the encouragement and support!


Jul 2, 2024
ok so she did poop finally and it was a mixture of loose and solid poop- at first it came out solid then more loose. I’m taking that as progress? Ha


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Yes, on the allergic possibility for any cooked chicken product. Anything that denatures a protein can cause a reaction in a "delicate" animal. Perhaps raw chicken won't be the ultimate solution, but worth a try. Turkey seems less prone to causing reactions...

Poop is so variable that it isn't the best indication of intolerance; give any meat a few tries before moving on. I like to see a lot of variety, which I feel develops strong digestive enzyme responses. And loose stools on their own, as long as it turns around with diet change or just another day, are not a cause for alarm.


Jul 2, 2024
@GinnyW Thank you so much for that information. I will definitely try some raw chicken. Gotcha, I will just monitor her symptoms as I continue the raw meals.

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