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Street cat Aslan’s interesting blood results


Mar 21, 2024
Hello everyone…
Im new here, from Turkey and this is my first topic here.

I found a cat at the beginning of december 2023 which of all body was covered with fungal infection. He is 4,7 kg now.

His name is Aslan, he is an old male orange cat. His body was too sensitive too that when I catched him with a special box, he injured many of his body parts while trying to escape. I took him to vet and he stayed there for 4 months.

When the doctor told me to take him, his mouth had wounds, his teeth were causing it as the doctor told me. As this cat got 5 times fungus vaccination and antibiotics a lot, doctor told me that after some time bring him so that we can take the teets away, he will feel better.

But when I took him to home, I realised that he had nose leakage too… after few days I decided to take him to the university. There they got blood test which I shared here (you can see the first results at the right bottom of the page and recent results at the left bottom). They gave me antibiotics, ferritin, vitamine injection and some serums ( dupholyte, gelofusine, naci izotonic sollution). These all didnt work as you see from the blood results. They checked from the ultrason and rontgen if they could come across with something but luckily they didnt. Now Im using another 2 kinds of antibiotics, ferrum ampul, dupholyte 20mg for 4 days. But I dont feel like he is feeling better. His mouth has still those wounds and I use for them some sprays, liquids to relax him so that he eats food.

He eats mostly vet food but he actually wants to eat dry food more… his mouth hurts him a lot, he eats dry few times a day. He likes proplan. He sits in general but he also follows me in the house. We had to remove his hair as they needed to wash his body with medical things for the last time because of fungal problem. His face looks a little upset. But I find him strong actually.

Waiting for your responses, ideas, analytic thoughts… and thanks a lot





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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Good evening Bertanhan!

Welcome to HA! and thanks so much for making your first forum post.

Aslan is one lucky and handsome guy and is fortunate to have found you.

Wow, 4 months at the vets!!

1. How's his BEAM?

2. Have you tried offering him any fresh (human) food?

3. Do you know if they tested him for feline leukemia, FIV or FIP?

Perhaps start tonight by offering him some chicken, beef, fish (or whatever you have in the refrigerator for you) and reading through the HA! 101 course.

BTW-Those are fantastic mouth pics!

@Dr. Jean Hofve any other thoughts?


Mar 21, 2024
Hi Dr. Jeff… thanks for your quick response and interest, Im really glad ❤️ and felt your energy here believe me…

1) his Behaviour is ok, he is happy to be found actually. He likes sitting on me or touching. Mood is normal but it is easily felt that he has pain from his voice and his face. His energy is like %65…
He eats, no problem with that.

2) I gave him some cooked human food, he eats some of them. Im vegan and seems like he likes potatos… nowadays I considered if I should buy him some meat or chicken… will try it as you suggest me.

3) at the private clinique which he stayed for 4 months.. they took viruses test with pcr machine. the doctor took the test to see the cause of wounds in the mouth and as I have 16 and my mother has 4 cats at home to see if there is any viral thing that can effect the cats we have… but she found interestingly nothing at the tests. At the university they repeated the test but the results hasnt appeared. Blood parazyte test is clear. We are also waiting for the blood systology results.


Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
What a lucky cat Aslan is! And handsome! (He looks a lot like my cat Perry, who was also a rescue!)

The bloodwork shows that he is still fighting an infection, and he's pretty anemic (low red blood cells) and undernourished (low albumin/protein).

His mouth does have some inflammation around the teeth and especially in the throat area. I can't tell how much tartar is on the outside of the teeth, if there is a lot and decay underneath, that can be painful.

He would definitely benefit from beef in his diet as well as other meats. In my experience cats do not do well as vegetarians or vegans!

He probably likes dry because he can swallow it whole, and it's okay for now because we need to build up his system. But it's best for kitties to eat wet food like homemade balanced diet, or canned food. As an older cat he needs moisture for his kidneys (though they are doing okay!).

Thank you for taking such wonderful care of Aslan!


Mar 21, 2024
Hi everybody,

Thanks for your helps.

We have been using a new medical protokol for 2 weeks. Thanks god, it helped a lot. He is so close to heal and I dont know how to celebrate this. Here are the last blood results. I just wanted to share my early joy with you.



Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
This is definitely an improvement! Many values have normalized, which is good. His anemia is much better! Well done! The infection is still present but he is making progress!

However, I am still concerned, since new abnormalities are present.

Most urgently, this test shows diabetes. His blood glucose is extremely high (it was normal before).

To reverse diabetes (which can be done in a matter of days, just with diet!), he needs a high meat, high fat, high moisture, very-low-carbohydrate diet. No starchy vegetables, no grains, and discontinue dry food if he is eating plenty of meat. (It will be important to balance the meat with calcium later, but he will be okay for now. If he will eat dairy products like plain yogurt, cheese, or cream, that would help.)

Also it would be good to feed liver since his ALT--a measure of liver stress that was previously normal--is very high.

This is all very fixable, and if he is eating well and feeling good, it will all turn out fine!

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