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Emergency, life threatening UTI and pyometra in a dog


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
Sissi is a 12 y/o york shire terrier, she weighs around 8.81 pounds, not neutered. She developed breast cancer around three years ago and has tumors all over her chest and stomach. I had to take her to the vet yesterday, because her stomach is huge, very dilated and she can barely walk (started around 3 days ago), well she only stands up to go pee, . She was diagnosed with a life threatening UTI and the vet wanted to do surgery on that same day to remove her uterus, informing me that the infection might spread to the blood and due to the size of her ovaries, they might rupture. So this is really an emergency and I don´t know what to do, because she is suffering so much. Should I do surgery or does she still have a chance?

She hasn´t eaten in 3-4 days now and I´m trying to give her apple juice, Celery juice, wildblueberry juice with a syringe, but as you can imagine I cannot give her enough, it´s a struggle to make her eat what is in the syringe. I´m giving her vitamin C from vimergy and normally I sprinkle a bit on top of her food but today I tried giving half a capsule because her condition is so bad. I´m also incorporating olive leaf (nature´s answer), not sure how much I should give her. Today I gave her one dropperful but is that too much? The other day I gave her 3 drops. I´m still waiting for the pau dárco to arrive, also from nature´s answer, so 2 ml contain 2000mg, so how much should I give her of that?
You also mentioned adding cranberry capsules, so how much of that?

You asked if there is anything that motivates her, no not really, well only to go pee, but she used to get crazy over going outside but she is too weak for that. Food doesn´t interest her anymore...

For the last few months there have been up and downs with her health and energy, but she was able to make progress, on some days she had a lot of energy, she also received an epilepsy diagnosis years ago, but a few months in after changing her diet to what medical medium recommends for dogs, she stopped having epilepsy, the last episode, if I remember correctly was December. She also had high anxiety in specific situations, hotspots but those have improved as well.
She got the necessary vaccination when she was young but she hasn´t received any for a long time now and I don´t want her too.

I try my best to give her only organic produce and meat but I cannot give her the amount of bone marrow she needs and not a lot of variety when it comes to fruits, as we don´t have a lot to choose from. What I typically give her in the morning is celery juice and now I try to incorporate wild blueberry juice, followed by raw beef/chicken with a mix of apples and cucumbers, I try to add the supplements, so 3 drops of Vimergy´s B12 and 1 drop Zinc, a sprinkle of flaxseed meal, a little bit of Barley grass juice powder and a sprinkle of Vitamin C. I don´t always give all of those supplements in one meal, but distribute them in 2 separate meals. Then as snack I give her apples, because that is what she loves. For dinner I give her sometimes the same as she had for lunch, sometimes I give her meat separately but in order for her to eat the fruit mix, there has to be some meat in there. I have also given her steamed sweet potato as well, but because she is very sick I´m sticking to raw foods only. I received olive leaf and waiting for the pau darco to incorporate those as well.

Sissi was playing with me last week and everything seemed "fine" until 3-4 days ago, but now all of her energy is gone. What can I do? Is it too late for her?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I'm so sorry to hear about Sissi's serious health challenge. :confused:

Wow, you do a lot for her!

It sounds like she may have an infection in her uterus, which may need immediate attention and even surgery.

Surgery is rarely indicated for a UTI.

The good news is that surgery is curative for a serious uterine infection (and she'll never again get one).

I´m still waiting for the pau dárco to arrive, also from nature´s answer, so 2 ml contain 2000mg, so how much should I give her of that?
You also mentioned adding cranberry capsules, so how much of that?

I'd probably focus first on getting meat/food into her. Then Rx Cranberry 1-2 capsules/day, depending on the full context of her dis-ease.

high anxiety in specific situations, hotspots

I'd probably do whatever my vet says is best and whatever was most likely to preserve her 6 (or more) remaining years.

Let's try to get her back to playing with you like last week.

BTW-Try feeding her bits of slightly warmed meat or even pureed meat without the veggies, fruits and other powders, She'll eat after surgery.


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
I'm so sorry to hear about Sissi's serious health challenge. :confused:

Wow, you do a lot for her!

It sounds like she may have an infection in her uterus, which may need immediate attention and even surgery.

Surgery is rarely indicated for a UTI.

The good news is that surgery is curative for a serious uterine infection (and she'll never again get one).

I'd probably focus first on getting meat/food into her. Then Rx Cranberry 1-2 capsules/day, depending on the full context of her dis-ease.

I'd probably do whatever my vet says is best and whatever was most likely to preserve her 6 (or more) remaining years.

Let's try to get her back to playing with you like last week.

BTW-Try feeding her bits of slightly warmed meat or even pureed meat without the veggies, fruits and other powders, She'll eat after surgery.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are a god sent angel. I will proceed with surgery. Should I also give her the antibiotics like my vet prescribed?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Fantastic that Sissi had her infected uterus (pyometra) surgically removed today (they will want to do it right away)!

How is she doing post-op?

Regarding your decision about the antibiotics, it depends on how "clean" the surgery was and your personal orientation. It's generally useful just before/during and after surgery especially if there was any contamination of her abdomen.

Regardless of your decision to give antibiotics though, you may still want to use frequent Arnica dosing right after surgery and for a few days until she seems 100%.

Here's an example after an injury (surgery is also like an injury):



VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
Thank you Dr. Jeff??

They informed me that Sissi’s temperature is on the lower side and she still doesn’t have her appetite back. She’s still at the vet and will have to probably stay there today too.

When can I start giving her her supplements again and can I give her fruits?

Regarding the arnica, I have to read the link you sent me, I hope the dosages are listed on there too.


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
Fantastic that Sissi had her infected uterus (pyometra) surgically removed today (they will want to do it right away)!

How is she doing post-op?

Regarding your decision about the antibiotics, it depends on how "clean" the surgery was and your personal orientation. It's generally useful just before/during and after surgery especially if there was any contamination of her abdomen.

Regardless of your decision to give antibiotics though, you may still want to use frequent Arnica dosing right after surgery and for a few days until she seems 100%.

Here's an example after an injury (surgery is also like an injury):

So if I understood correctly, I should put 1 pellet in a bottle of water but how much water? And give 1 tsp of the water with the pellet every hour?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Typical Arnica dosing is 1 pellet added to 8 oz. of bottled/filtered water. Succuss the cup (or bottle) 10X prior to each dose which is a Q-tip (cotton swab) dipped in the water and touched to her gums.

You can repeat this procedure as often, or as infrequently, as she needs it based on restless, panting as if uncomfortable, yawning/lip licking (other signs of discomfort).

Yes, you can use fruits but when she first gets home focus first on meats and what she wants to eat.


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
Typical Arnica dosing is 1 pellet added to 8 oz. of bottled/filtered water. Succuss the cup (or bottle) 10X prior to each dose which is a Q-tip (cotton swab) dipped in the water and touched to her gums.

You can repeat this procedure as often, or as infrequently, as she needs it based on restless, panting as if uncomfortable, yawning/lip licking (other signs of discomfort).

Yes, you can use fruits but when she first gets home focus first on meats and what she wants to eat.
So that 8 Oz of water will last for a day? So 1 pellet a day? When I apply it on her gums, should I leave it for a few seconds or just quickly wipe her gums?


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
I just phoned the vet to ask about Sissi, her temperature is still low and I was saying I want to give her a natural pain remedy and they responded that it is best to give only their medicine because it might react to the one I want to give. But it won’t right? Still best to give it to her or should I wait until she gets home to give her the arnica?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You are correct that it won't interfere or react.

Unlike drugs and supplements, homeopathic medicines like Arnica do not physiologically interact with drugs. Drugs and supplements work on the pharmacologic level whereas the Arnica works on the energetic level.

Yes, it is still good to give, but you also need to respect the hospital's rules.

Are you able to visit?


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
I hope they will respect my wishes because it is what is best for my dog. I’m not sure I can see her, but I will ask them.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Did you get Skype installed Celina so we can connect by video before our HMDM call next week?

If you did, what's your Skype name?


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
I still didn’t have time for that, but I will later today. I don’t remember my name on there but I will send you an invite.


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
Did you get Skype installed Celina so we can connect by video before our HMDM call next week?

If you did, what's your Skype name?
Hi Dr. Jeff,

Sissi is still at the hospital, she is still weak, but yesterday she ate more willingly which is good. I hope they gave her my food, I just gave her ground raw chicken meat. Today I will give her some apple as well, because they are taking her blood everyday, which is basically lowering her immune system, and she needs those nutrients. They want to keep her there as well, but firstly my budget is limited and secondly, I´m afraid she is not getting better bcs all of that blood drawn from her.
What do you think?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I'm sorry that Sissi isn't being nurtured by you at home yet Celina. Have you been able to visit?

Do you know why they are keeping her and doing daily blood tests? Perhaps there is still an internal problem that they are monitoring.

Is her temperature normalized and is she having any vomiting or diarrhea?


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
Yes, I visited yesterday, they said she is still in pain, her temperature is higher bcs they put her in an incubator, not sure if they took her out. I will visit her again today and ask for more details. About the vomiting and diarrhea I don´t know, but I will ask.


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
I visited her right now and she is much worse. The infection spread to her blood. Her temperature is still low and the tumor she had near her anus ruptured. I don’t know if she will survive. She wanted to leave with me, it breaks my heart.


VIP Member
Jun 21, 2020
Are they giving her iIV antibiotics? I had to have them *myself*, and they aren't the end of the world. You can correct the imbalances they generate after SIssi is out of the hospital.

Also, next time you're there, try stroking her ears from slightly towards the center of the head, over the base of the ear (triple heater meridian) to the tips -- like you would a rose petal (thumb on bottom, fingers on top, not too much pressure). The triple heater meridian is involved in digestion, reproduction and respiration. Seems Sissi could use some support in all of those areas. This is a TTouch move called an 'ear slide'. Here's a video of it:


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2021
I'm sorry that Sissi isn't being nurtured by you at home yet Celina. Have you been able to visit?

Do you know why they are keeping her and doing daily blood tests? Perhaps there is still an internal problem that they are monitoring.

Is her temperature normalized and is she having any vomiting or diarrhea?
I'm sorry that Sissi isn't being nurtured by you at home yet Celina. Have you been able to visit?

Do you know why they are keeping her and doing daily blood tests? Perhaps there is still an internal problem that they are monitoring.

Is her temperature normalized and is she having any vomiting or diarrhea?
Sissi is finally home with me, the blood infection lowered a bit so they gave me the ok. They also gave me different meds, including 2 antibiotics and a pomade to apply to the ruptured tumor. It’s best to give it to her right, at least for now?
She is eating but only little by little, I hope her appetite will increase. She is also drinking a good amount of water and peeing often. No signs of diarrhea or vomiting.

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