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Using energy work with my cat - marked change in behaviour - results for both my cats!


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2020
Kia ora from Aotearoa,

I wanted to share this picture of me doing energy work with my cat Mia last night because it's so CUTE! I had my hand facing upwards and she put her little paw in it.
Each time I tried to move my hand, she gently pulled it back towards her.

Mia has a massive tumour in her abdomen and had gone right off her food to the point of being very thin.
I found Holistic Actions the day of the diagnosis and over the last two weeks, I have started to switch both my cats to raw food.

Most importantly, I have been doing energy work with Mia daily and spending more time playing with my other cat, Moses, as he has a massive influx of energy on the new diet!

Things really shifted two nights ago when I tried a new technique. I simply said "I am doing this energy work for the highest vibration of all involved". That night, Mia came and slept on the bed with me, which she used to do all the time and has been increasingly avoiding, instead, preferring to be isolated. I fell asleep with her resting on my chest.

Last night, she waited for me near the bed, then hopped on and rested near me. The photo is from our first session - she put her paw into my hand, so cute! - and later on she lay by my side - I fell asleep with my hand on her side.

And this morning, after a week of her lying inside during the day, very tired, increasingly isolating herself, she returned to her usual morning routine of going outside to explore and hunt. She even caught what looked like a massive insect in the grass! I could not believe my eyes! She is still outside now after coming in for only 30 minutes at lunch for a cat nap ? She is moving slower than usual and stopping to have heavy breathing sessions, but she is engaging in life and interactions today. Her BEAM has been up and down so I am grateful for today.

The other amazing effect I could not believe is that my other cat, Moses, has been CRANKY because we moved house 3 weeks ago...an important context when I am looking at his and Mia's symptoms.

He has been waking me 2-3 times in the night and demanding a tour of the house - I've had to show him where the food and the cat door are at all hours of the night - I have been very tired from this and had tried talking to him, which usually works, but nothing has calmed him down. He will be picking up on my energy as I worry about Mia also.

Last night, I included him in my statements "I am talking to you Moses, for the highest vibration of all involved" "I am playing with you for the highest vibration of all involved" etc.

And last night he was very calm, a bit playful, and slept the whole night pressed up against my leg. No night-time missions around the house. Phew. This morning he didn't wake me and waited for me to wake up naturally. I got a full night's sleep. Yay!

Moses is finally more comfortable in the house and has stopped hiding during the day - right now he is curled up on the table next to my laptop.

This simple technique is so beautiful I had to share, for the highest vibration of all involved!

You just set an intention to carry out any action for the highest vibration of all involved and say aloud, if you can, "I am [insert verb here] for the highest vibration of all involved".

If you are intending on your animal healing, you would say "I am carrying out this healing session for the highest vibration of all involved". It doesn't mean your animal will heal, that is something you have no control over, but your intentions for healing can be so right up to the last second of their life.

This is simply my experience and if you are into energy work you might find it interesting.

I'd love to hear from others who do this work too, I am currently working with my fear that comes up each time I touch Mia's tumour and I'd love to hear your stories.

Much love,
Hannah ❤?????

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Community Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hannah, thank you very much for sharing the story of your energy work with your kitties. Yes, energy work works! I use energy work on my dog Maggie's left hip which was shattered when she was hit by a car as a pup. She is now 7 years old. I usually do the work at night as she is settling down. The hip issue will always be there, but the energy work certainly makes her more comfortable for sleeping at night. Do keep working on your fear that arises when you touch Mia's tumour. When you touch her, see the tumour getting smaller and smaller and keep your thoughts positive.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Beautiful Hannah! Thanks so much for sharing Mia and Moses' stories.

Intention and energy combined are indeed incredibly powerful.

Especially in the hands of a talented pet empath and intuitive like you.

Energy is vitality, which is life. It connects everything and, in some form, is everywhere.

Your kitty's lives are better because of your energy work. Thank you for helping them. ?


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2020
Do keep working on your fear that arises when you touch Mia's tumour. When you touch her, see the tumour getting smaller and smaller and keep your thoughts positive.
Dear @catdoc ,
Thank you so much for these encouraging words. I find it a bit overwhelming at the moment to even imagine the tumour would get smaller but I started imagining it today and will keep thinking about that potential and feeling what it would feel like for that to happen.
Thank you also for sharing about doing the work at night with Maggie - that seems to be when Mia wants it too - she goes and waits by the bed! It makes sense, it is a down time in the day.
And last night she purred the WHOLE night! Every time I woke up in the night, she was purring, right next to my head!
We will keep on keeping on.
Many blessings,
Hannah x



VIP Member
Sep 2, 2020
Your kitty's lives are better because of your energy work. Thank you for helping them. ?
Thank you @Dr. Jeff - sometimes it feels hopeless but what else can I do except shower them with love and trust that it is working? ? ? ?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You're welcome, Hannah!

Where there's life, there's hope. Keep up the wonderful work. :thumbsup:

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