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Support needed... Teeth!


Community Member
Aug 11, 2022
Hi HA Friends!

so .. needing some support here. My dog apple has significant tartar buildup on her teeth as well as two teeth that are loose (the tiny teeth behind her canines). I did not realize how bad this was until her breath became pretty strong... I had taken her to get acquainted w/ a new holistic vet, and she showed me the gauze/coconut oil method of cleaning her teeth. (i had used gauze in the past with limited success - and it was great to see how the coconut oil made a difference). We also scheduled her for a no anesthesia dental.

Anyways, while I was in the process of cleaning her teeth, I was able to get a really good look and saw that she has a significant amount of tartar, as well as two loose teeth. I did meet w/ Dr. Christina who suggested cancelling the NAD for now, and continue w/ the coconut oil, start adding in hunks of meat, as well as bones. So - that's my plan.
support needed and questions! should I take her in to her other vet (we have conventional and holistic) to have him get a look? I am concerned that she may need antibiotics if a full dental does end up being required. I am not fully confident that a NAD will be able to scale her teeth adequately, and I don't want to have this drag on and effect her organs negatively. She has a grade 3 heart murmur, however her ProBNP was normal at this time, her blood work looked good as well, except they did have to spin her blood due to gross Lipemia (do I also need to be concerned about this .. separate topic!). Thanks everyone.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
should I take her in to her other vet (we have conventional and holistic) to have him get a look?
If that would make you more comfortable Gretchen, then yes.

You may want to avoid anti-biotics at this time tho.


Community Member
Aug 11, 2022
thanks. My concern will be that my regular vet who knows me, won't be available and I will see a more totally conventional vet. If so, they may present a fearful situation to me. Like omg.. she needs a dental asap, and antibiotics, etc.

I went back to see the holistic vet yesterday to have her take a closer look at Apple's teeth. her comment was 'oh that's bad'. She said they can likely push the two loose teeth out. and won't know if she can get by w/ just the NAD or if she needs to see her vet until they get in her mouth, etc. The next NAD appt is not available until the 29th (they only do them 2x per month). So not for 3 weeks from now.

My thought w/ going to the vet would be that at least they have a heads up, and if I call and say, ok, you were right she does need a dental, bla bla bla. and I can pre book.

I had one dog who never had teeth issues (he had a bit of tartar on a canine and I was able to remove it!), and one dog who I got as an older dog w/ very severe teeth issues AND a mitral valve issue. I have no experience with NAD or managing dental disease holistically, so very much appreciate the help finding the balance. thankyou in advance!


Community Member
Aug 11, 2022
wow. Thanks Aruna! I appreciate you putting all the links there. I have seen a bit of those, but not all! Will definitely take the time to view/read. I have been involved in the holistic realm for decades.. But I have to say, that I for sure need to know more about teeth and what to do when you are faced with an extreme situation. I am also trying to reconcile not noticing this until it reached this point. I am very good about tracking, observing and being mindful of my pets health! I even do animal communication. ugh. Ok! looking forward, and getting back on track. We all are really doing the best we can . x


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
You might wish to look into a product called "Teef!" It is a bacterial culture one adds to the drinking water. It has no taste, dissolves completely, and is renewed every day. We have had surprisingly good results with my guy's big mouth, with teeth getting noticeably better over the last two months. I'm thinking it would take a while to improve really degenerate teeth, but it would certainly help maintain the general condition of the mouth even if some interventional treatment was necessary at this time.


Community Member
Aug 11, 2022
Thanks Ginny. appreciate it. I have heard about this product. The only thing that bugs me, is that I feel very strongly about fresh water (nothing else but water), and it seems that this replaces all of their water?


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Yes, and no. The product dissolves completely into the water - and yes, there is an active bacterial culture in there. They're not saying, but I suppose any other liquid could contain it as well - although not as likely to be consumed on a regular basis. It is meant to provide all the water they would normally drink. The culture lives in the mouth, throat, and stomach, changing the environment of the upper digestive tract.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
you could probably put it into some broth and give that daily, right ginny?

And good for you to say - "looking forward, and getting back on track. We all are really doing the best we can." Keep that attitude and remember that there is no "right". If she needs dental with anesthetic, she will do best with your positive attitude.

Dr. Christina

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