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Is this a reason for intact dog peeing in house suddenly


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
I am writing about Blossom's sudden marking in the house as she is in heat. So I woke up this morning with what I feel is the answer and want your opinion. Usually when I wake up with something on my mind, an answer or possible answer, it is usually a result of my unconscious mind having worked on it during sleep. What do you think? So she had been in heat for maybe a week or a little less with no marking inside whatsoever. She started to pee in the house the same day the trainer was here (like an hour later)and has done it daily since then in the same spot and even the same time of day. The trainer gave her a ball and Blossom took it into the foyer area of my house to tear it apart. This is where she is peeing. The ball looked well worn to say the least and I am sure with a lot of male scent on it from his own dog or other dogs he works with. So I am thinking the reason is that ball (which was thrown away in the outside garbage soon as the ball was destroyed when the trainer left). But I am wondering if that is the reason she is peeing there. She is doing it at the same time she was playing with the ball and in the same place in the house. I will ask the trainer to bring NO balls into the house that he has used with other dogs. I am thinking with certainty this IS the reason because it came from my subconscious mind SOON AS I OPENED MY EYES this morning. Now the question is how do I rid her of that memory or the scent. I have used enzymes on the spot.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Sounds like your unconscious was working well. makes sense to me.
Only suggestion I have is to block off the foyer area where she is peeing.
Have a conversation with her about it and 'listen" to what she has to say. Contact an intuitive.

Dr. Christina


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Dr. Christina, I have come to appreciate and believe in the subconscious, intuition more seriously since my JJ died in June when it warned me to get him out of that particular hospital. I felt fear for him which is an advanced warning from the unconscious. I never took it as seriously as I do now. I usually now "check in with my gut" on things. Just a quick example from the past, I could not find my checkbook for the life of me. I put my subconscious to work before bed after days and sure enough I woke up with a "knowing" where it was. That's the thing too about the intuition or subconscious, there is that "certainty" that it is the right answer. I knew my checkbook would be in that particular place ---I did not just "hope" I knew .... I will block off the foyer area and discuss with the trainer. Blossom has rested in the open crates I still have of my former male dogs that died but she has not marked anything. They were neutered but she never marked. Thank you for your answer and suggestion. I am sure this will resolve one way or the other but it helps me to know the probable "why" and to not have the trainer "refresh" the scent in my home when he comes out monday again with his toys from other male dogs :)

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