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Q About Dog Marking in House and Diabetic Cat


Jun 25, 2022
I have a question about my dog and cat. ( two separate questions )

1. We have a male (not neutered) aussietese (toy aussie and Maltese mix). He weighs 9 pounds and is 2 years old and on a raw diet. He is trained to go to the bathroom on a pad inside but also gets walks 2-3 times a day. He was always good with going on the pad but the last couple of months he started marking all over the house and is getting out of control. We took him to the local vet to check his urine and he has no signs of a bladder infection or anything. We also have tried getting up very early to walk him during sunrise but he still ends up marking in the house. I am wondering if you have any advice on this situation/ behavioral change. We can’t think of anything that has changed that made him start acting this way and we feel that we might have to start putting him in the crate when we are not home. Please let me know if there is anything else we can try to stop this behavior.

2. My second question is about our cat who is diabetic. He is a male and is 8 years old. He has been diabetic for a few years now and for some reason we can’t get his glucose levels to a healthy level, it constantly fluctuates.

His Vet Has him on Diabetic Management PURINA PRO PLAN canned food and he receives 5 units of prozinc insulin at 6am with his breakfast and 5 units at night 6pm with his dinner (10units a day) .

I know from the holistic actions website that switching to a raw diet is healthy for a diabetic cat or cats in general. But I am wondering if it is totally safe to switch to raw in this situation? is there specific diabetic raw food for them or is all raw cat food the same in terms of vitamins/minerals for diabetic cats. I’m not sure if there is an article on the holistic actions website that goes more into detail about healing a cat with diabetes, or if we should be working more closely with a specialist.

Thank you for your help!
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Hey Briana!
. I am wondering if you have any advice on this situation/ behavioral change
trained to go to the bathroom on a pad inside
Great questions! Thanks for asking.

IMHO he's already been trained that it's OK to pee in the house (albeit on pads). And it's not a big step for him to start peeing where he shouldn't.

In my experience, this is not unusual and typically not medical as per the urinalysis.

Perhaps look for super subtle energetic shifts going on in the house. They can be things like new sources of the meat, changes in family dynamics (even with family who don't live with you), etc.

Ana Maria discussed this last night (if you have watched or listened to the webinar, it may be helpful).

If you're not able to find what's going on, perhaps consider contacting a trained vet homeopathy or experienced animal communicator like Ana Maria or Hana Mäkinen.

we can’t get his glucose levels to a healthy level,
Is he at all overweight?
safe to switch to raw in this situation?
Yes, but... You may want to do so gradually while monitoring his blood glucose (which you can do at home).

f we should be working more closely with a specialist.
Great point! Has an endocrinologist/internist vet seen him? There are lots of new tools and tricks out there for diabetic kitties.

Have you tried other forms of insulin?
Hi again Briana!

Your little pup and kitty popped into my head this am...

I wonder what their relationship is like? I ask because your pup may be peeing inside because of his sensitivity to your kitty's imbalance (which is physically manifested through the imbalanced glucose levels).

Also, your being worried about it may be upsetting to him.

This might help:

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