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Feline Dental Extractions and Long-Acting Pain Reliever


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
I've spoken a lot about Bella, my little kitty with kidney issues, but today I am posting about her sister Maya. Maya is about to come home today from a routine dental cleaning with some extractions (she's had extractions over the years), but today was the 1st day a vet gave her what they called a long acting pain reliever called Zorbium. They told me when they called with the post surgery report. They said this is so that I as the owner wouldn't have to worry about medicating my cat daily while she heals and is still tender. Upon my googling today, it looks like this is a buprenorphine (sp?) or Buprenex (sp?) type of drug (like I used to get in a little squirt syringe years back at previous dentals for Bella and Maya for a few days worth of pain relief after extractions). I couldn't help but think man....a drug that lasts for a few days in ones system?? That must be a strong drug. Can anyone recommend anything (perhaps even homeopathic...or something else) to help Maya process this drug from her system efficiently? Her blood results and overall health has been normal for an almost 14 year old kitty. Thank you!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I'm glad to hear that Maya is coming home today!

Yes, Arnica doing (if she ever seems uncomfortable, restless, is isolating, etc.) will both help her heal as well as help her process the drugs, anesthesia, etc.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
And work on your thoughts not being worried. See her healthy body processing the drugs (unless she is oddly sensitive, should be fine) and recovering from the dental. If she does have any pain that Arnica is not helping, try Hypericum (good for nerve rich areas).

Note to all reading this - remind yourself to put a note in your veterinary folder for them to call you before giving any injectables unless critically needed. And before any surgery remind them to not give any pain meds without checking with you first.

Dr. christina


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve I will definitely be addressing the issue with my vet of not alerting me they would be giving Maya "Zorbium". It is early in the morning where I live and I didn't sleep too as Maya wouldn't eat her dinner last night. This morning she ate a little at least but my usually hungry kitty is not eating her food nor drinking a little chicken broth or local farm half and half, which normally she loves to have some laps from each type of "beverage". She is still showing the effects of the Zorbium and the dental surgery was Tuesday AM (glassy eyes, sometimes licks her lips, tail between her legs). I did put arnica in her water dishes but I haven't seen her drinking, and my main concern is each time she has ate food since she got home she is pawing at her face afterwards, sometimes accompanied with little grunts. My husband has tried to allay my concerns by saying (and I've agreed with him) that she is probably feeling the lack of teeth and the sutures, and the drugs may be making her paw at her mouth, but this AM after she only ate a little and stopped, I will be calling the vet today to discuss. I don't know if the pain meds are wearing off that she is feeling more tenderness? She eats the raw Primal nuggets typically and yesterday I was met with more success at her breakfast by adding some water and making it soupy. But by the time dinner rolled around she wouldn't touch her food. Full disclosure, Maya has had extractions over the years (she is almost 14) so there probably aint much teeth left (I do have a chart I have maintained of which teeth came out with that dental numbering scale and had bought myself a scientific model of the feline mouth, just because the science nerd in my loved it!) ?


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
UPDATE 7AM: Maya ate her whole bowl of food! My husband said she'll eat when she's ready! LOL. I do feel more relieved and I do now wonder if with the pain meds starting to wear off she just may be feeling the surgical sites. Perhaps just a call to the vet to report the observations will make me feel better and get reassurance. I will also provide reiki to both kitties this morning as well. ?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I'm sorry to hear that Maya is still experiencing some challenges after the dental. They will resolve in a few days.
feeling more tenderness?
She is also just getting used to the changes in her mouth. These symptoms may be more of a challenge to our human mindset, than hers.

Also, for the Arnica (or any remedy) perhaps avoid putting it in her water bowl and give it directly by using the Q-tip method (1 pellet in 1 cup of water and succussed 10x prior to each use) whenever she shows discomfort.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Glad she's doing better! The drug is buprenorphine, it's a great painkiller but is an opiate so some dopiness is to be expected.

I extracted all the (very rotten) teeth on an older kitty, and though she healed perfectly and (through my animal communicator) said there was no pain, she would not eat because she thought it might (might!) feel funny in her mouth. Eventually we talked her into taking some cream, then added in small bits of soft food. She did great and actually ended up a little *too* fat, but with her history I was happy to see it! So yes there can be some very odd psychological issues that go along with extractions!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Great news Daysha! Thanks for sharing. Go Maya!! :snowman: ?


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
@Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina OK so...1st off, Bella and Maya turn 14 tomorrow, yaaaaay! And I wanted to re-visit Maya's January 30th dental extractions and the fact that I have been very cautious since then making sure her wounds heal from the incisions with lots of soft foods (her usual raw food diet but if anything extra, making sure it's soft.) Today, I decided to give Bella and Maya a treat from the petstore that said Icelandic herring, in fact I am attaching some pics and hopefully a 5 second video. When I opened the bag, the girls came right over and voraciously each put their face in the bag and pulled out a fish. Bella absolutely enjoyed hers, gnawing it like a bone and consumed at once. Maya was gnawing at it too, and frankly, until I finally reached down to pick it up, as she hadn't ate it, I didn't realize how hard it was! I have been concerned since that I hope I didn't hurt Maya unintentionally by offering her something I thought due to its size would be light as a feather, when in reality it seemed equivalent to a raw hide bone for a dog, LOL. Yikes! She seems to be acting fine. Would I have opened up any healing that had been occurring is my question? Thanks!



Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Would I have opened up any healing that had been occurring
She should be fine from this. No worries.

Depending on the extent of her dental work, she should also be fully healed by now.

Tho if you have any remaining concerns, a recheck exam with the vet who did the dental may be helpful.

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Agreed, cats heal fast, the mouth heals faster. I'd expect it to have been well covered in 3 weeks or so, and it's been more like 6 (don't ask me to do math!). So I'm sure her mouth is back to better than new!

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