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- Feb 23, 2017
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@SusanF started this great thread in the private area of the forum. She's graciously allowed me to move over here to the public forum, so everyone can see it, benefit from it, and share your input.
Susan started the thread with a beautiful example of posting on the forum:
Susan started the thread with a beautiful example of posting on the forum:
- First time to post here... I finally figured out how to do this!!
- Your pet's name - Gracie
- Approximate age - unknown - 3-4 yrs?
- Sex - F
- Neutering status - spayed
- Breed - domestic short hair
- Approximate weight - 5-8 lbs? tiny
- What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) - this afternoon and evening... very uncharacteristically listless, restless, can't urinate - keeps visiting her clean litter box, tho it was overdue for change earlier today - emptied, cleaned with Dr. Bronner Sal Suds replaced w/usual pine pellets only. Done every 2-3 days. Each kitty has their own condo with their own bed, water bowl, basket to hang out in and litter box. Not a community litter box.
Loves food and not interested, quiet & withdrawn - normally very engaged, playful, and happy to be with us - very unlike her... licking her bum... sitting in what one vet years ago called "meatloaf" position. Keeps going into litterbox hoping to find right spot. Nothing. No poop. No pee.
- Diet - homemade fresh ground turkey, barely cooked, mixed with raw chicken eggs, organic canned pumpkin ... then small amounts frozen blueberries, cranberries, parsley, pepitas, seaweed, liquified in RO water in Vitamix + Dr. Andrew Jones' Ultimate Feline Supplement ... all mixed into turkey mix, then refrigerated, never reheated... just warmed up in pyrex bowl on counter, sometimes add 5 drops flax oil OR some homemade chicken broth to each dish. 2 meals/day. ~ 2oz each meal.
- Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication - adopted maybe 3 yrs ago as outdoor stray after catch & release - someone else caught her - so she's spayed & had rabies vax. clipped ear - started hanging out in our yard where we fed her. finally caught her 2 yrs ago when we were moving house. indoor cat only since then with 3 other strays we've also had indoors 3-4 yrs longer. no one goes outside. no more dogs, so no fleas. no other vax or anything else.
Never been to a vet since we've had her. Our holistic vet, Dr. Maria Williams (Dr. Jean knew her long time ago) passed away 14 Feb 2020... and we've been without holistic vet since. No one else in the area is holistic. So we are very careful with our kitties. We do have allopathic vet when Dr. Maria wasn't available and before we knew her. We do trust him "I'm a drug guy!" is what he said whenever we asked him years ago about something holistic. He's great...just allopathic only.
Gave her 5 drops Amber Naturalz UTR herbal tincture twice today:
1) in morning meal + 5 drops flax oil & 1/8 teaspoon Sari Foods acerola cherry Vit C powder ...
2) early evening UTR + small portion of cranberry concentrate capsule mixed w/tiny amount of food + broth... she threw it up a while later.
Just made some molasses oat water (recipe from Amber Naturalz) and have some Rescue Remedy to try and get some fluids into her in small syringe. We have homeopathic remedies. No idea what to try. Afraid to even give her more UTR or cranberry.
- Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time - as described above - not that we know of
- Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? - no
- Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them) - no
- Current and previous treatment - above
- Other health concerns - possible feline asthma - give her a Tablespoon of slippery elm tea sometimes mixed in her morning meal. run vaporizer with heat on indoors.