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Not sure if this would be considered an alternate therapy....but wondering about experiences in using cannabis for cancer in dogs? What should I be asking about products and what can I realistically expect? It seems like there are differences with products and how they are made. Is a product primarily needed that has THC verses hemp to reduce tumors?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi Eileen:

Yes, there can be a big difference in cannabinoid (CBD) products.

There's certainly some great anecdotal evidence of hemp oils reducing tumor size, but this is not seen that frequently.

There's a trainer in WA or CA who has used a specific product topically to shrink tumors. He and I last spoke a few years ago, but I'll see if I can get any more information.

Here in CT I use the excellent, pure, and concentrated Hemp Rx product. It's been a great quality of life palliative for some of my patients. Increasing appetite, mobility, decreasing seizures, etc.

Dr. Silver (Dr. "Pot") who formulated it also has a lovely little book on this topic.

Dr. Jeff

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
My pleasure Eileen!

Does anyone else have any personal experiences with using CBDs for their pets? Perhaps for seizures, arthritis, appetite stimulation, etc.?

Dr. Jeff


Just saw this thread!   I've used CBD with a couple of my pets, though neither was for a chronic condition.

The first was with my almost-15 year old Golden, who had just been diagnosed with cancer.  She had already gone off her food, and once diagnosed, the vet prescribed a few medications for her:  Tramadol, Gabapentin, and an appetite stimulant-- can't remember the name of the drug.   A few hours after getting the meds, she was in obvious distress with uncontrollable shaking.    I was so upset to see her like this, and at that point thought about using CBD for her.  By law my vet was not allowed to advise me on use of CBD, but said she wasn't against it.   I was able to get my dog VETCBD - not the hemp oil type, but one with a small amount of THC.  Within 45 minutes of taking it, her body calmed down for the first time in over 24 hours, and she was able to sleep deeply.  I had discontinued all the other meds and kept her on the CBD until we let her go a few days later.   It didn't stimulate her appetite, though, like I was hoping, but I was so thankful that it helped her to be comfortable for her last days with us.

The other time I used it was after my 12-year old dog had surgery for mammary tumor removal.  It was a fairly significant surgery.  In addition to post-surgery Arnica every few hours, I also gave her VETCBD.  She stayed comfortable, and I didn't have to give her the Tramadol or Gabapentin.

I've heard good things about some hemp oil CBDs and would probably look into that if I had to use CBD for a chronic issue.   I'd love to hear other CBD stories if anyone else discovers this thread.  :)


VIP Member
Aug 29, 2017
<strong>hi!  I was just reading about using CBD oil/ hemp elixir for humans and pups.  Do you think this would be a good "supplement" for pups w chronic diarrhea? I only did a quick search but saw how it has been shown to help w inflammation in general and in gut specifically. </strong>

I was thinking about adding it for Tater Tot. She has a great appetite and usually great energy but thought it may ossibly help w her belly/intestines.


Any thoughts?!


Thank you!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Nova-

CBDs and cannabis are very effective palliatives.

Yes, they can help for intestinal issues but general soothing with liquid aloe vera, slippery elm, marshmallow and DGL licorice is preferable for acute diarrheas and other GI challenges (if needed).

Most GI symptoms are best relieved with curing the underlying imbalance using homeopathy.

We'll be talking at much greater length about CBDs in 2019.

Happy holidays!

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Nova, have you started a thread about the chronic diarrhea problems? Is it just Tater Tot who has the diarrhea?
Dr. Chambreau

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