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Dog limping - what to do while waiting for an appointment


VIP Member
Aug 13, 2017
Name: Xia
Age: 12 yo
Sex: Female, spayed
Breed: Chihuahua Mix
Weight: 8.5lbs
Diet: Home-prepared varied raw food diet with supplements including eggshell calcium, chlorella, omega, probiotics or fermented foods, Earth Animals Natures Protection for flea controll

Vaccination/Medical History:
She was vaccinated when she was adopted ten years ago and an additional rabies vaccine a year after that.
Xia had some health issues that were treated by conventional doctors about eight years ago. However, since then, she has not taken any allopathic medicine. Earlier this month, Xia had her annual exam by a local veterinarian, who found her in good health. The lab work was done on September 14th, and all tests were within the range except platelets were slightly elevated at 457 (reference values are 143-448).

Primary problem:
Xia generally walks about 3 miles daily (sometimes more), and during these walks, Xia is very curious and loves to sniff around. She does not like interacting with other dogs and is generally not interested in other people either. However, she loves jumping on elevated surfaces like overturned trees, tree stumps, or benches.

On September 17th (ten days ago), I took Xia to a nearby park. Xia ran back and forth on one of the meadows. As we were leaving this meadow, I noticed Xia limping. By limping, I mean that she avoided putting pressure on her front left leg, and at the same time, her head would dip. I immediately examined her paws, and there was nothing poking her that might have caused her to limp. Her BEAM was good, and she was keen to jump and continue exploring, but since her limp was not resolving itself, I carried her home. When we got home, using a Q-tip, I gave her a dose of Arnica 30C with 15 succussions.

In the next few days, when walking around the house, I could not observe any limping, but she was not motivated to go outside, so we stayed in. Also, during this time, there was a lot of smoke in the air due to the nearby wildfires. I was unsure if her hesitation to go outside was due to the air pollution or some pain she may be experiencing. Other than not wanting to go outside her BEAM is good (she is eating well, she is barking at the mailman, jumping onto the sofa, etc.).

On September 20th, I administered another dose of the same remedy.

On September 21st - 25th, we went outside for short walks. During these walks, Xia would sometimes walk normally and sometimes she might limp a little. When she started limping, I would pick her up and bring her home.

On September 26th, while walking around the house, Xia's limping was very evident, and she appeared to be in pain. I administered another dose of the same remedy. Her BEAM seems to have changed for the worse.

Behavior - Xia remains alert, though maybe slightly subdued.
Energy - appears to be lower than normal (for example, it is a sunny day, and generally, Xia would be following the sun and making sure to stay in a sunny spot, yet she seems to stay in one place that is no longer sunny).
Appetite - good, she is very food-motivated and has remained unchanged.
Mood - seems to be unchanged. She still likes to cuddle and enjoyes being petted.

Xia does not appear to avoid being touched. When laying down, she does not prefer either side of her body (i.e., she does not avoid laying down on her left side). She does seem to be licking herself more than usual (something that she often does, but not always). She licks her front legs (not just paws, but the actual leg). She also licks her belly. She seems to be "smacking her lips" and licking her lips more than usual.

While waiting for our appointment with the homeopathic vet, I wonder if I can do something else to help Xia recover. I am hesitant to reach out to the conventional vet because I fear their recommended treatment may include steroids or some anti-inflammatory drugs that may have an adverse effect in the long run. I am planning on adding turmeric and ginger to the diet as natural anti-inflamatory agents.

I also wonder if elevated platlets might be indicative of some pre-existing condition? Could the running on September 17 bring to the forefront a pre-existing condition that has gone undetected thus far? For example, the microchip that has been implanted when she was adopted is placed in this area.

I welcome any other recommendations and advice. Thanks!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Ive!

I'm sorry to hear about Xia's lameness. :confused:
I also wonder if elevated platlets might be indicative of some pre-existing condition?

Not usually. Most of the time elevated platelets is a good sign that her body is "working" on something (via inflammation).

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Sorry, the forum kept wanting me to make a new post for this question!
Could the running on September 17 bring to the forefront a pre-existing condition that has gone undetected thus far?
It's possible, but is unlikely. You can use her BEAM and other early warning signs to help you think about what might be going on.

Have you repeated the Arnica beyond what you wrote, or used higher potencies?

Also, a Lumasoothe (1 or 2) would be great to use:


Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
You are doing a great job.
Remember than bruises (on the paw), muscle or ligament strains and sprains can take a long time to heal.
Be patient. I agree to not go to the conventional vet at this point.

This is a great time to do energy healing - Eden, Tellington T Touch, acupressure, Reiki, Tui Na, etc.

Dr. Christina


VIP Member
Aug 13, 2017
Sorry, the forum kept wanting me to make a new post for this question!

It's possible, but is unlikely. You can use her BEAM and other early warning signs to help you think about what might be going on.

Have you repeated the Arnica beyond what you wrote, or used higher potencies?

Also, a Lumasoothe (1 or 2) would be great to use:

Hi Dr. Jeff - In my summary, I omitted the last dose of Arnica 30C that I gave last night on September 26th. That is the same potency that I gave previously. Tonight, before going to bed, I gave her another dose of Arnica 200 C 15 successions. I have on hand Arnica 1 M that I am holding off unless I hear otherwise.

I have ordered Lumasoothe!


VIP Member
Aug 13, 2017
You are doing a great job.
Remember than bruises (on the paw), muscle or ligament strains and sprains can take a long time to heal.
Be patient. I agree to not go to the conventional vet at this point.

This is a great time to do energy healing - Eden, Tellington T Touch, acupressure, Reiki, Tui Na, etc.

Dr. Christina

Hi, Dr. Christina - thank you for your kind words. Regarding energy healing, I am trying to practice what I learned during many of the wonderful seminars I attended here (to the extent I can).

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I have on hand Arnica 1 M that I am holding off unless I hear otherwise.
Perhaps use the 1m (or even a 10M) next time she comes up lame in a series of three, 10/Q-tip doses 2 hours apart.

However, if Xia's lameness resolves then recurs, the Arnica (even higher potencies) may only temporarily palliate.

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