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To spay or not to spay?


VIP Member
Nov 28, 2021
Hello all!

I am seeking guidance for my luna girl. A 3 year old Siamese female me and my husband took in as a stray. Mamas has been through a lot of trauma found on a bad side of town having seen her mommy get run over and being bullied by other packs. We gladly rescued her and she has grown to be such the diva! We adore her and her unique personality.

We have been busy caring for our mastiff, Winston & his cancer the best 4 years and did not have the financial ability to look into getting Luna spayed.

Now that she is 3 and her heats persist I often contemplate spaying her due to us living in an apartment environment I always fear during that time of month her curiosity to the front door. :(

After seeing Winston fall victim to some veterinary malpractice I never want to put my luna through the same. I seek any guidance whatsoever and the safest and best way to go about getting my 3 year old Siamese spayed.

Her beam seems in good quality. She is temperamental and has attitude by nature but she eats sleeps and uses bathroom regularly. Loves to cuddle and plays when she feels like it.

Any diet recommendation to be sure she received optimum nutrition pre & post surgery would be greatly appreciated too!

Thank you kindly! ??

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Great to see you here Jocelyn!

I'm sorry to hear about the vet issues with Winston the Warrior.

Any diet recommendation to be sure she received optimum nutrition pre & post surgery would be greatly appreciated too!

A fresh and varied diet is optimal.

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Hi Jocelyn, sorry to hear about your Winston. Cats do not appear to suffer the same kinds of adverse events that dogs are prone to from *early* spaying and neutering. I have seen too many cats with malignant breast cancer and horrendous pyometra. So personally I would be inclined to spay Luna now.. W can make up for the loss of hormonal input with products like Standard Process Symplex F and other glandulars. So there's my two cents!


VIP Member
Nov 28, 2021
Thank you all for your responses!

Was so great catching up with you Dr. Jeff. :)

I have found a vet and luna will have her first visit on the 6th! Feeling optimistic!

The only thing is they will require luna have at least one vaxxine, the rabies. Is there any guidance or any risk for her I should be aware of? I particular prefer not to but I’m aware it is law so have no choice ..

I will certainly look into Standard Process Symplex F and other glandulars. Thank you Dr. Jean!

Is there a specific arnica that is recommended I can give luna pre and post her procedure?

Aruna I was having trouble viewing link. Can you please resend ?

Wishing everyone blessed new year!



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