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Painful pancreas


Community Member
Oct 15, 2017
One thing, when you are the momma of 11 kitties, always, someone is sick. This time it is my senior kitty who, 3 weeks ago lost her appetite. Two weeks ago, I had an abdominal ultrasound down. The tech confirmed she has "gastritis" and an enlarged pancreas. I was to give my kitty the kitty equivalent of Ranitidine. Good luck with that! Instead, I did a Homeopathic workup on her symptoms and came up with Rhus tox 30C as that appeared to be the strongest contender. Rhus tox was not doing it. I re-worked the case and switched to Phos 30C 4 days ago. She is eating a bit and seems to be a bit more like her old self again. Now we seem to have stalled again in the progress. I was looking through my supply of Homeopathic remedies and came across a remedy Pancreatinum. This remedy specifically addresses pancreatic disease and I am wondering if I should try this remedy.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017

No, I avoid the Pancreatinum.

If her eating a bit and being more like her old self are since the Phos, then you might want to continue working with that remedy.

How was your kitty's BEAM before the Phos?

How did you dose Phos?


VIP Member
Dec 20, 2017
My question was also how you dosed the Phos? How many doses? How far apart? Succussed each time?
If you did got a "significant shift" from the 30C, but it has stopped working, my gut response is to go to 200C next rather than looking for a new remedy????

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
What is your kitty's name?
You are looking at her overall - "She is eating a bit and seems to be a bit more like her old self again. She is eating a bit and seems to be a bit more like her old self again. Now we seem to have stalled again in the progress." which is good. Other symptoms? Which symptoms had you select the Rhus tox and the Phos?

What, specifically, do you mean by " Now we seem to have stalled again in the progress." ?

Dr. James Kent always said not to leave one medicine until you had tried higher potencies (or given more frequently with more succussions) and there was no further improvement.

Is there anything that could be triggering the problem that is still happening? Obstacles to cure always need to be checked out.

Have you treated her in the past with remedies? Which ones were "successful"?
Dr. Christina


Community Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hi Dr Christina. Sorry for the delay in responding. My computer has been very glitchy as of late. Kitty's name is Luna. The Phos, 30C is working finally. I had stopped for 2 days to do the wait and see, but she stopped eating again and seemed to be retrogressing. Finally, yesterday, I gave her another dose of Phos 30C, and today, she is eating, her BEAM overall has improved.

I give only one dose in a 24hr cycle. This is the first time I have tried Homeopathy with Luna.

After the Phos, she ate both her morning meal and her afternoon meal, and she is cuddly, purring and responsive. I am also giving her Bach Floral remedies of Mustard and Honeysuckle. The former because she has been in a depressed state, the latter because she lost her beloved sister back in May. Her sister died of pancreatic cancer and Luna's current health issue has been her pancreas as well. I don't think this is a coincidence.

The reason I decided to switch to Phos from Rhus tox is a bit weird. I did a repertory work up using my Pitcairn software. Rhus tox came up very strongly and Phos came up second, strongly as well. The animal communicator with whom I work, told me when she was in contact with Luna, she received a very clear picture of a Materia Medica, and flipping through the pages. Luna knew the Rhus tox was not working and wanted me to find another remedy that would. Since Phos came up a strong second, I switched to the Phos 30C. That has worked. In dosing my furry kids, I usually only give a 30C once a day. My knowledge of posology is very lacking, I am sorry to admit.


Community Member
Oct 15, 2017
postscript, I did not use the Pancreatinum. My gut instinct told me not to.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Good work! ?

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