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Apr 14, 2023
Good Morning dear Dr. Jeff and Dr. Christina,

you already know my beautiful 25 kilos Bobtail with a laced epulis with success yet with a suspect cancer on her left shoulder that I have been treating with Dr. Herman.

I wonder if with her you would suggest Celery Juice and Detox Smoothie in order to clean her from herpes and viruses since MM states they usually are the cause of cancer. If you would suggest it, in which doses? I healed myself from Herpes Viruses and Epstein Barr with MM protocols so I really believe in this.

MM suggests sweet potatoes, bananas, papaya, berries, apples. Would you suggest them when there is cancer? Would you suggest fasting when there is cancer?

Much Love and gratitude
Hi Andre´e!
Would you suggest them when there is cancer?
No. It's best to avoid any of the sweeter veggies or fruits other than wild blueberries.

Yes, to celery juice, the kale and blueberry smoothie and most MM info.

Would you suggest fasting when there is cancer?
You're welcome Andree!
Dearest Dr. Jeff,

how can I enhace the beam while I am healing my dog from cancer?

much gratitude
Any and all ways you would use for enhancing it anyway: great diet, lots of love and attention, fun games, walks, play...Cancer is, in many ways, a neglect or deficiency in BEAM, manifesting itself in various organs and tissues. So anything you can do to increase vitality and happiness will positively influence the affected tissues. Conversely, of course, a neglect of any aspect of BEAM will aggravate the weakest areas and tissues; cancer is a disease of lack - lack of love, nutrition, interest in life, etc. - and will manifest in the weakest, and often the least essential, tissues and organs.
Any and all ways you would use for enhancing it anyway: great diet, lots of love and attention, fun games, walks, play...Cancer is, in many ways, a neglect or deficiency in BEAM, manifesting itself in various organs and tissues. So anything you can do to increase vitality and happiness will positively influence the affected tissues. Conversely, of course, a neglect of any aspect of BEAM will aggravate the weakest areas and tissues; cancer is a disease of lack - lack of love, nutrition, interest in life, etc. - and will manifest in the weakest, and often the least essential, tissues and organs.
As a healer myself, I have been on a Medical Medium path for a long time and I learned from Anthony Williams we never choose to be sick. Unfortunately on the planet earth it is not easy to live and what Anthony says is so full of compassion that it deeply resonate to me. So that I am not sure this post resonate to me but I thank you for your interest Ginny. My dogs and I have been living together nearly 12 yrs together now always in love, affection, meditation, walk in nature, pure unconditional love. So we stay in this pure unconditional love.
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