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Intermittent limping on front legs


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Gabby is my dog who has presumptive Protein losing enteropathy, intestinal. I have been feeding her pretty much just meat and 2 eggs a day and some sardines several days a week. Last time her Albumin and numbers had improved with this. So I give her Glutamine, Rx Vitamins Amino product, Vit D, Vital Nutrients GI repair, Seacure, digestive enzymes, mostly things for her gut. But, I have not given her beneficial supplements like curcumin for pain and inflammation and other joint supplements and not much fish oil either. It seems when I try to add things she gets diarrhea now. How am I supposed to help her joints if I cannot give her what I used to for her joints. So here the last few months, sometimes worse than others, she will be walking and suddenly starts limping, then she is ok again etc.. A few months ago my other dog and her got acupuncture and they BOTH started limping. That was weird. I never let her get it again after that and the other dog, he is not getting it either now. So she just starts limping out of the blue. She is walking along and then boom---what happens...She is about 14. This gut problem is very time consuming. Before I can manage one problem another one comes up. Does Glutamine inhibit absorption. I read it improves absorption but if it coats the stomach how do nutrients get through. So I am asking about the limping and also is there an integrative nutritionist I can contact. I need help badly. Don't think her diet has been balanced for months. I purchased the Dr. Karen Becker meal mix to balance it, but it seems to give her diarrhea. So I am back to square one. I am starting to write down what I give her rather than rely on my memory to see when she gets the diarrhea. She never had it before lately when I started add in stuff for her joints. The other day I gave her MSM So diand in the morning she could barely hold it before getting let outside:-( So diarrhea is a new symptom now and figure it is dietary or some supplement, rather than a food I gave her.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey, Lil. I'm very glad to hear that Gabby's test numbers improved!

I agree that a fresh food nutritional consult is a great idea.

Perhaps you could set one up with @Dr. Sue. She could also give you supplement advice.


Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
You have been doing so much for Gabby! And now you are seeing the need to keep a journal. It really does help.

When there are multiple problems it can be very tricky to manage on your own.

In addition to the nutrition consult Dr. Jeff suggested, and since acupuncture by that vet did not seem good for your family, maybe it is time to begin working with a veterinary homeopath to achieve the full balance needed to address all the symptoms at once. Even if the best, in an older animal, is moving towards a cure, that can significantly ease their symptoms, and your stress!
www.homevet.com for Dr. Jeff, or www.theAVH.org or www.PIVH.org to find another homeopath. Dr. Herman and Dr. Cooney, who have spoken for us, do phone consults.

Maybe use your 15 visit next month to discuss finding a veterinary homeopath.
Dr. Christina


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Hey, Lil. I'm very glad to hear that Gabby's test numbers improved!

I agree that a fresh food nutritional consult is a great idea.

Perhaps you could set one up with @Dr. Sue. She could also give you supplement advice.

Yes, I heard her on the empower hour say she does this and so thanks for the direct link Dr Jeff. I was frustrated today and fed her a Primal freeze dried Rabbit so she gets any micronutrients she might be missing. Well maybe I shouldn't have but she USED to eat the Primal Raw before the diagnosis of PLE. I have been feeding her cooked bison and today just threw it to the wind and fed her a balanced food.(maybe more for MY sanity) So she seems to have this diarrhea lately. No parasites in the test. The stool is yellow mushy sometimes and brown, semi formed. I don't know why she has been experiencing the diarrhea. Also giving her the RX Vitamin Clay. Will see how she goes later on or tomorrow. So a decrease in her BEAM with the limp and diarrhea :-((

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Thanks for bringing up this important distinction, Lil!

Specific symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, itching, limping, etc. are not considered to be part of BEAM.

All symptoms are clues that internal physiologic balance (homeostasis) is "off". However, they don't all affect BEAM.

If BEAM (Behavior, Energy, Appetite and Mood) was 100%, then the limp and diarrhea are probably not impacting her vitality too badly.

In my experience, BEAM and quality of life go hand in hand. BEAM is a semi-objective way to monitor vitality.
Meaning that things like appetite can be graded on a 1 to 10 scale.

For example, Sue was able to catch Raine's Lyme nephritis very early because of a tiny drop in her pup's exuberant appetite and BEAM.


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
You have been doing so much for Gabby! And now you are seeing the need to keep a journal. It really does help.

When there are multiple problems it can be very tricky to manage on your own.

In addition to the nutrition consult Dr. Jeff suggested, and since acupuncture by that vet did not seem good for your family, maybe it is time to begin working with a veterinary homeopath to achieve the full balance needed to address all the symptoms at once. Even if the best, in an older animal, is moving towards a cure, that can significantly ease their symptoms, and your stress!
www.homevet.com for Dr. Jeff, or www.theAVH.org or www.PIVH.org to find another homeopath. Dr. Herman and Dr. Cooney, who have spoken for us, do phone consults.

Maybe use your 15 visit next month to discuss finding a veterinary homeopath.
Dr. Christina
Dr. Christina, I was thinking that very thing about trying homeopathy. One area I really know so little about. Listening to the empower hours got me thinking I should go that route. But, it takes so long to get things going. I also thought I could keep the details of her food straight everyday since it is basically the same with a few additions but there is always that "thing" that I added or was different that I need to write down (already started). Has anyone used homeopathy for PLE. I think you told me of a case of it for spondylosis. Do I need to find a practitioner who has experience with remedies for these particular conditions? Thanks.


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Thanks for bringing up this important distinction, Lil!

Specific symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, itching, limping, etc. are not considered to be part of BEAM.

All symptoms are clues that internal physiologic balance (homeostasis) is "off". However, they don't all affect BEAM.

If BEAM (Behavior, Energy, Appetite and Mood) was 100%, then the limp and diarrhea are probably not impacting her vitality too badly.

In my experience, BEAM and quality of life go hand in hand. BEAM is a semi-objective way to monitor vitality.
Meaning that things like appetite can be graded on a 1 to 10 scale.

For example, Sue was able to catch Raine's Lyme nephritis very early because of a tiny drop in her pup's exuberant appetite and BEAM.
uh oh, think I need to go back to the BEAM 101 class !!!! Thank YOU for the distinction....Still trying to learn all the stuff. So my Gabby has symptoms then... Regarding Sue's pet Raine, when I noted a drop in JJ's appetite, my other dog, my vet said maybe he isn't hungry.... I wasn't satisfied with that answer. Because my JJ always also had a ravenous appetite from a hoarding situation he came from. So makes me wonder about JJ. He had a SNAP test a few months ago but this speaks to that small changes observed by the owner should be taken seriously and followed up on. When JJ had to have his spleen removed I noted behavioral changes like clinginess , exacerbation of fears, and staring at me, My vet said that I was his TV. Funny but it did not help to find his problem earlier!

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