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How to manage epilepsy with holistic approach


Community Member
Jan 6, 2024
  1. Your pet's name- Finley
  2. Approximate age- 12 years
  3. Sex- Male
  4. Neutering status- neutered at 6 months
  5. Breed- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  6. Approximate weight- 8.9 kg
  7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood)
  • B- Finley is happy but anxious, nervous at some time, but also excited, lovable, sensitive, gentle E- still pretty good for an old dog A -absolutely loves his food, very food oriented M- sensitive, very dependent on me, fluctuate with happy & sad mood, nervous

  • Diet- 80% of his food is homemade cooked & organic, mostly skinless & boneless chicken with plenty of cooked root vegetables (which is easily digestible) like parsnip, carrot, celery, squash, sweet potato, zucchini. Finley also gets fresh fruit daily like a handful of wild blueberries, apples, raspberries, bananas & occasionally little uncooked oats. He also get Dr. Mercola digestive enzymes 2 x day, Vitamin b complex with breakfast (Nutrition Strength or Cobalamin supplement), and every other day he gets ThorneVet canine nutrients, Fera cardiac support supplement, and occasionally he gets Nu- Medica L-glutamine and Wholistic Pet Organic Diatomaceous Earth when his gut need support, and every few days I also give him Dr. Mercola Detox formula which is good for support kidney & liver

  • Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication- he had first sets of vaccines, then he got Leptospirosis vaccine 01-20-2014 and developed seizures shortly after it and I never vaccinated him again
    01-20-2014 Leptospirosis Vaccine
    11-06-2012 Leptospirosis Vaccine
    11-14-2011 Distemper-Hep-Para-Parvo
    10-11-2011 Distemper-Hep-Para-Parvo

  • Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time- He developed an epilepsy shortly after his Lepto vaccine, at that time when they gave him the vaccine he was also on antibiotics and even though I recommend to the vet not to give it to him, she didn't seem concerned

  • Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? Yes, He is very sensitive to everything. He would get more seizures when is full moon, warm stuffy room, bad weather pressure, stormy days, when we leave for a holiday, when anything changes with his diet or routine, when I leave the house several time per day & rushing, when I take him for a long walk he gets very excited and more likely to have seizure, emotional upsets when I am stressed or emotional, he gets nervous quite easily. He is very dependent on me and he doesn't like to be left alone

  • Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them) - yes, epilepsy, occasionally clustered seizure, heart murmur, also gut sensitivity and pancreatitis

  • Current and previous treatment- Medication: currently he is not 150 mg Zonisamide 2 x daily, Potassium Bromide 100 mg, (he has a reaction from it like hind end weakness, pancreatitis, shaking, twitching, muscle spasms therefore we lower a doze to only 100mg per day and also giving him homeopathy Kali brom in potency to help balance him), Diazepam 2.5mg only if needed for seizure, and if Diazepam doesn't help and he has a cluster seizures I have to give Keppra 150 mg as last resort because he has a very bad acid reflux and stomach cramps after this pill and make him very lethargic. He gets Vetmedin 2 x daily. I also give him Super Snouts CBD oil 2 x daily. I also give him a homeopathy: Ignatia - his constitution, calm him before seizure, when very sensitive, sad or grieving. Kali brom - help with seizures and help cleansing from potassium bromide, cicuta- seizure remedy, heart support homeopathic remedy, liver & kidney remedy, Bach flower rescue remedy- for calm & stress, Aconite- stress, trauma, sudden stress just to name few

  • Other health concerns- heart murmur but that it has been ok due to Vetmedin

I have tried many different ways to help manage Finley's epilepsy but he still have seizures 2-3x per month or sometimes more often if there is a stressful situation. I found supplements, diet and homeopathy very helpful but is there anything else I can do?

Please let me know any suggestions,

Thank you very much,

@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina

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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Maruska!

Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first post.

I'm sorry to hear about Finley's health challenge with epilepsy. He says that he's fine, and not to worry.

Congratulations for doing so many wonderful integrative actions to help him.
is there anything else I can do?
Yes! And the first things that come to mind are:

1. Using more of a ketogenic diet with ewer carbs and sugars. There's an HA! member webinar from the Ketopet sanctuary from a few years ago. You should be able to find it by searching the resource area. If you have any problem finding it just email Kim at: support@holisticactions.com

2. Homeopathy and other effective energetic-based therapies. Are you working with a trained vet homeopath?


Community Member
Jan 6, 2024
Thank you very much Dr. Jeff for your prompt response. I will definitely look into the ketogenic webinar. I have heard about this amazing anti inflammatory diet & how it can help with epilepsy. On several occasions I have tried slowly adding more fat into Finley’s diet but it was difficult to follow because of his gut sensitivity & pancreatitis. Every time I introduced few pieces of salmon of beef or lamb he would have loose stool & if I continued he would have acid reflux & stomach issues. He is such a sensitive guy. But I do understand how important is to have a diet with low carbs & sugar and definitely will look into it ketogenic diet more.
We truly are what we eat!

I have been been practicing homeopathy for the past 9 years & using it for my whole family. It has healed Finley so many times, truly remarkable. I am working with homeopath & naturopath but she is not specifically trained in vet homeopathy. I believe there is not vet homeopath in Bermuda. Would you be able to recommend someone who can I contact?

Thank you,

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You're welcome Maruska!

Finley's a lucky boy to have you!!

My friends Todd Cooney, Judith Herman and Adriana Sagrera are great certified vet homeopaths.

If none of them resonates with you, I also will work with HA! members 1:1. We can discuss your options further when we chat soon.

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
What a cute dog, my goodness! While I usually work with cats, here's an article about epilepsy that has suggestions that also apply to dogs, maybe there will be some suggestions there you haven't tried.
Seizures and Epilepsy | Little Big Cat - Dr. Jean Hofve

Also, the Bach flower essences Aspen, Cherry Plum, Crab Apple, and Scleranthus come to mind for him.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Maruska, the veterinary homeopaths suggested by Dr. Jeff are all able to work virtually - even to Bermuda (lovely island with fond memories for me).

Because you have been using holistic and homeopathic treatments, it would be good to download the Healthy Dog Journal and carefully fill out the timeline, and master symptom list, then continue to track changes and all treatments. Maybe you were successful with your family for more acute problems. Epilepsy with the other problems (pancreatitis, ...) certainly chronic disease which needs more skilled prescribing.

Dr. Jean may agree with this. Since the seizures were triggered by a vaccine, trying a month of Vaccine Detox (if sent to Bermuda) used in many ways - food, rubbed on hair, in mouth, on paws - may help.

Also explore the many energy treatments you can learn to give -
Reiki, HTA (healing touch for animals), EFT (emotion freedom technique), Bengston Method, Eden energy medicine, Tellington TTouch, Acupressure, Chi Gong, Tui Na, Tong Ren, WEBB, Quantum Touch, Prayer; Hands on intention; Prayer; Theta healing, Scalar Wave; Angels; Emotion code.

Dr. Christina

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Unfortunately, Maruska's sweet pup went into heart failure and passed away. ? ?:dog2:

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Finley was blessed to live with you and will be with you in spirit forever. Support at this time can be lots of hugs, remembering all the great times, flower essences, massage, speaking with an intuitive who can communicate with their spirit.

Heartfelt love to you, Maruska, Dr. Christina

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