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Dog chronic vomiting and IBD diagnosis


VIP Member
Jul 29, 2017
Good Morning everyone,
My dog Lenny (8 years old) has chronic vomiting issues for the last few years. He has a lot of anxiety and has been that way since he was a tiny puppy. He regurgitates and also has yellow and pink bile vomit. Happens mostly in between meals or early am hours. He's on a simple fresh food diet with a few supplements. Yesterday he had a flair and vomited undigested food, plus bile with a couple of tiny fresh blood spots multiple times. His gut was severely irritated. I gave him a dose of arsenicum album 30c, 5/1 swab and within minutes he was feeling a lot better. He grabbed his ball and wanted to play for hours :) and the digestive issues calmed right down.
The issue here is how to keep this from reoccurring and get his beam and belly stabilized.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi Betty-

Thanks for making your first post about Lenny.

Great work with the Ars dosing!

Anyone else here who'd like to learn more about using Arsenicum album or the 3 other Awe-some As can read more about them here:

Also, here's a pictorial summary:4 Awesome As.png

Now we'll see how his body responds to it over the next few days.

Please let us know how he's doing.


VIP Member
Jul 29, 2017
Lenny responded well to the arsenicum and had good beam and no vomiting from Saturday afternoon until today. He's no longer interested in playing and is laying on my lap after vomiting brown bile this morning around 11 am. He's definitely not comfortable. His stools are small and softer in consistency. I find feeding him a light diet of chicken bone broth, mushy rice and ground chicken is easier digestion for him. He was eating a diet of white fish and butternut squash before this happened. He can't seem to stay on one protein source for any amount of time. I am thinking it may be time to redose arsenicum based on his beam.


VIP Member
Jul 29, 2017
Lenny still isn't feeling well. He is vomiting every day, mostly overnight hours 2-4 am. It doesn't matter what I feed him, it doesn't seem to make a difference at this point. I gave him 2 doses of thuja 30c. The 1st dose was on 11/21 5/1 swab. He must have felt a tiny bit better as he seemed happier and didn't vomit that night. The 2nd time I dosed him ( 12/2) 30c 5/1 swab he fell right to sleep afterwards. His energy level is medium to low. That's the part that concerns me. It would be good if we can get him to stop vomiting so his gut will heal. I am giving him bone broth and a tiny bit of L glutamine with meals. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Is there an anti nausea medication that would help for the short term?
I can't feel good about scheduling his dental which he really needs until we can get him feeling better.
Thank you,

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