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Colon Rescue by Animal Essentials for CATS to aid with constipation


VIP Member
Nov 18, 2020
Chewey and Tigger, my cats were having constipation issues on raw diet frozen food. Dr. Jeff recommended Colon Rescue by Animal Essentials.
The dose for cats is 0.5 to 1ml (2-3 times a day) 0.5 is about 11 drops.
I gave them 3 drops on 1/2 and 3 drops on 1/3.

Tigger: Female 7 years old...
By the night time of 1/3 Tigger ate only 1/3 of food.
1/4 this morning she ate 1/4 that had the 3 drops mixed in so maybe she got 1 of the 3 or less.
Tigger was off today and threw up clear liquid after using the litter box. I don't know if she peed or pooped because there was both in there but the poop could have been from this morning. Then she threw up and pooped again 10 minutes later. Hair all bunched up and a hair log as well inside her poop and some of the grass from the fresh grass I had bought her.
Tigger is playful and wants to cuddle and play right now. So her beam is good today, better than last night.

Chewey has been eating all of his food.
He threw up yesterday sometime about 3 inches of clear liquid with a little drop of his white hair in there.
He was very tired yesterday and today. Sleeping most of the day and at night I can tell he is not feeling the best because he is laying on the couch ottoman facing towards the couch at night. He did come to snuggle this morning and wanted to snuggle during the day today and yesterday but last night he was not even slightly interested in playing. Not that he is a super big player but he had no interest. Chewey didn't poop yesterday but he did tonight at 9:15 and after he pooped he is SUPER PLAYFUL!!!

Can the Colon Rescue have that immediate effect to make them puke while it is healing them and should I continue with the three drops or discontinue?

@Dr. Jeff
or whomever
Thank you!
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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017


VIP Member
Jan 1, 2022
Chewey and Tigger, my cats were having constipation issues on raw diet frozen food. Dr. Jeff recommended Colon Rescue by Animal Essentials.
The dose for cats is 0.5 to 1ml (2-3 times a day) 0.5 is about 11 drops.
I gave them 3 drops on 1/2 and 3 drops on 1/3.

Tigger: Female 7 years old...
By the night time of 1/3 Tigger ate only 1/3 of food.
1/4 this morning she ate 1/4 that had the 3 drops mixed in so maybe she got 1 of the 3 or less.
Tigger was off today and threw up clear liquid after using the litter box. I don't know if she peed or pooped because there was both in there but the poop could have been from this morning. Then she threw up and pooped again 10 minutes later. Hair all bunched up and a hair log as well inside her poop and some of the grass from the fresh grass I had bought her.
Tigger is playful and wants to cuddle and play right now. So her beam is good today, better than last night.

Chewey has been eating all of his food.
He threw up yesterday sometime about 3 inches of clear liquid with a little drop of his white hair in there.
He was very tired yesterday and today. Sleeping most of the day and at night I can tell he is not feeling the best because he is laying on the couch ottoman facing towards the couch at night. He did come to snuggle this morning and wanted to snuggle during the day today and yesterday but last night he was not even slightly interested in playing. Not that he is a super big player but he had no interest. Chewey didn't poop yesterday but he did tonight at 9:15 and after he pooped he is SUPER PLAYFUL!!!

Can the Colon Rescue have that immediate effect to make them puke while it is healing them and should I continue with the three drops or discontinue?

@Dr. Jeff
or whomever
Thank you!
Hi Tammi,
I am NOT a Veterinarian. I would confer to Dr. Jeff for sure, but I have been a holistic supplier to pets for some 25 years +, and I have given my own two rescue cats, ( now 14 years old) Icelandic Kelp just a pinch daily in their wet food for a good 12 + years easily. They virtually never experience constipation.

Just saying, all modalities are most assuredly unique to the animals. Hope this may be of some help?
Grandpa Bill

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Yes! Some organic kelp added to his food is an awe-some way to improve his homeostasis (balance).

There's a wonderful webinar about the benefits of kelp from Bill Wolf (from Thorvin)in your member resource area.

And in case, I didn't already mention it, best to hold off on food that contain ground bones if he is having constipation issues.

Also, definitely start using the structured (chia) water we discussed (tou cant overdo the amount either added to his food or separate from it).


VIP Member
Nov 18, 2020
Hi Tammi,
I am NOT a Veterinarian. I would confer to Dr. Jeff for sure, but I have been a holistic supplier to pets for some 25 years +, and I have given my own two rescue cats, ( now 14 years old) Icelandic Kelp just a pinch daily in their wet food for a good 12 + years easily. They virtually never experience constipation.

Just saying, all modalities are most assuredly unique to the animals. Hope this may be of some help?
Grandpa Bill
Thanks Grandpa Bill! I will look for an organic Icelandic Kelp! I'll take any ideas at this point! Thank you for your thoughts and input, much appreciated! Happy New Year!


VIP Member
Nov 18, 2020
Thanks for chiming in also Dr. Jeff!

Great, I will look into the organic Kelp for animals and I will also review the materials, thank you!

I have had a very hard time finding food without bone. I did find lotus which goes under the name Quest when you get the bags in but they go up and down with wanting to eat the beef or pork. Those are the only 2 I have been able to get my hands on. I was hoping for the Emu but it doesn't seem to be in stock for weeks upon weeks now.

Do you know of another brand that does not have bone? I am almost at the point of making my own or pulling all of my hair out! So, I thought making my own would probably be much better for my profile! ha ha ha

I gave them for 1 week half of the chia oil dose as we spoke about which was 1/2 of a 1/4 tsp.
This week we moved onto the full 1/4 tsp. I thought I would give it 1 week to see how they feel and then begin the chia gel! If you think I don't need to give that a week, I am happy to begin the chia gel along with the chia oil now!

I had them on Lamb from Darwin's. They started to get itchier so I ended up switching and trying the chicken again but their itch seems to be continuing so it may not have had anything to do with the lamb as they were not on it that long. They both began 100% Darwin's chicken on Jan. 1. So that leaves me with do I switch their food again and not add chia gel right away or forge forward with chicken for a little longer and add chia gel. Slow process!

Thank you for your help and tips! I will go do my due diligence and read your articles.
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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017

You can make your own food *and* pull your hair out!

Get the best of both worlds! HA!! ;)

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