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10 month old lab puppy itchy, inflamed ears, yeast smell


Feb 8, 2024
1. Oscar
2. 10 months
3. Male
4. Intact
5. Labrador Retriever
6. 60lbs
7. Friendly, loves attention and affection, can be very demanding of both. Energy is high, high drive always go go go, appetite is normal for a lab, food motivated, eats fast, mood is good, does have some anxious behaviour when meeting new people and dogs, get overly excited, increased panting. He does shut down in the car (very quiet and lays down doesn’t move much)
8. Homemade raw diet containing pork, beef, duck and turkey. Highly sensitive to fish and chicken when he eats it he gets itchy. Using Ahiflower with green lipped mussel for omega 3. Four leaf rover
9. Had first vaccines at breeder 7/8weeks old nothing since. He was on 5 days of antibiotics after a dog attacked him around 12 weeks old.
10. has had chronic itchy ears since bringing him home at 10 weeks old. Lots of discharge at that time. I took him off the kibble from the breeder and started him on a raw diet. His ears improved significantly within a week without cleaning or treatment. A few weeks later he was attacked by a larger dog and required an emergency vet visit. He went on 5 days of antibiotics. About two weeks later he started to scratch and his ears started to become red inflamed with mild discharge. I have been dealing with the ongoing itchy and inflamed ears on and off since. The only way I can keep his ears maintained is cleaning them every other day and keeping him in a cone so he cannot scratch and damage them which given the opportunity he will. His one ear seems to bother him more then then the other. He is notably more itchy in the last month and did some damage to his ears and sides. He is now in a cone to allow things to heal. I attached photos of his ears about three weeks ago and then again last week. They are noticeably better but I removed the cone today and he immediately went to scratching them and created a few nicks in the ear. They have zero discharge and haven’t for a month but are red, hot and obviously itchy. He also started chewing his flank area about three weeks ago and created some damage to his skin. The skin on his sides is better but does have some small bumps and is still itchy he does not like when I touch the area. He does smell like yeast especially when he comes in from outside (we have snow). He has noticeable redness between his paws. I completed the yeast beast kit from adored beast with improvement, he was good for about a week after completing the kit but he smells again and is very itchy. He is currently on double omegas, probiotics and baths a few times a week with 4legger shampoo. Condition is worse at night although he will scratch all day long. He does a lot of his scratching overnight in his crate. He will rub up against the furniture cupboards and even us during the day. He rubs up against the snow outside and I do find he runs hot. His ears are very hot to the touch. He does scratch more when he gets in trouble for something. He usually resorts to scratching when told no, or that he cannot do something.
12. Nothing as of now. Vet has examined him, diagnosed him with allergies. Gave us antibiotic ear drops (I have not used) and a medicated shampoo which has only been used once. She did examine his ears and said they are clean but inflamed. She did mention she wasn’t sure if he had mites and when I asked about a skin scrap was told it often yields false negatives. Recommended Revolution and I declined at this time.
13. Elimination diet, probiotics, mushrooms for immune support, liver detox, MCT oil and Ahiflower omegas. He completed the yeasty beast kit from adored beast with ok results he was no longer stinky but he was itchy throughout the kit. I clean his ears with a homemade ear cleaner and apply Mullein Garlic oil.
14. None other then listed above.





Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Welcome to Holistic Actions, Melissa.
Oscar is blessed to have you starting out with holistic thinking from the beginning. You are doing a great job so far. Remember there is no one right answer - Only Oscar can show you what is working.

There are many resources on the HA website that you may have already been accessing, since you have found the forum - kudos.

1. Find a local holistic veterinarian (or virtual homeopathic one) by reading this article and following the directions.
2. Take the holistic health 101 class, paying particular attention to the first module - the value of symptoms. Another great source of understanding how dogs get ill and heal is Don Hamilton's Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs, especially Chapters 2 & 3.
3. Go to the resource library and read the ear and the skin sections, following up with the many links.
4. Download the Healthy Dog Journal, create the timeline and master symptom list, then continue with entries to determine if your lifestyle and treatment choices are moving towards a cure, palliating or suppressing.

You have done a great job of not using treatments that would merely stop the the ear symptoms, even though they have been relatively severe and you've needed to use a cone. When the underlying energy field imbalance is strong enough to produce symptoms on the skin, especially in merely a few areas rather than the whole body, this is actually good news. While it certainly is distressing to observe the skin symptoms since they are right in front of our face, each time you have to put on the cone or see the. Apparent distress of Oscar, just say to yourself that no dog ever dies of skin problems and you're glad the imbalance is still on the skin.

For a lifetime of health, working with a holistic healthcare team, which is discussed in lesson five of the 101 course, is really critical. That's why I listed the find a veterinarian article as your first step. Where do you live? Somebody in the community may already know of a veterinarian near you.

Read about HMDM and your goal (step 1 of 3) would be to have great skin with no need for restricted diets.

A few other things to try in addition to what you will read in the resource include learning energy treatments. Pick one of the following, or others you may know - Reiki, HTA (healing touch for animals), EFT (emotion freedom technique), Bengston Method, Eden energy medicine, Tellington TTouch, Acupressure, Chi Gong, Tui Na, Tong Ren, WEBB, Quantum Touch, Prayer; Hands on intention; Prayer; Theta healing, Scalar Wave; Angels; Emotion code. Also, learn how to energetically ask for yes/no answers to help decide of treatments, foods, supplements and much more. Dowsing, pendulum, body sway and many others.

Tellington TTouch has body wraps using an ace bandage that have helped dogs itch less.

Keep us posted,
Dr. Christina


Feb 8, 2024
Hi Christina

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.

Unfortunately I live in a remote town in Northern Ontario Canada. The nearest holistic vet is nearly 8-9 hours away! My local naturopath who takes care of my 2 legged kids :) recommended I reach out to Dr Feinman as they studied homeopathy together :) my allergies have been really acting up since Oscar’s yeast outbreak and scratching and it sparked the conversation. I have been trying hard and feel defeated sometimes so I thought he may benefit from some homeopathy remedies to help us over this hurdle. I do know how well they work for my family. I do think the attack “stress” put him over the edge so will look up and research some of the suggestions you mentioned above. :) I have recently ordered him some essential oils from animal EO, and probably could apply those with the TTouch.

If anyone knows of any holistic vets who would do a phone consult that study homeopathy I would be open to that. My concern in the past with reaching out to practitioners in the USA as I’m in Canada was getting access to any herbals or homeopathic remedies over the boarder but my local naturopath said she is absolutely willing to dispense what’s needed if whoever I am working with sends their recommendations to her. So happy we have access to all these amazing options.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
There are several virtual homeopaths in Canada - go to theavh.org - filter for phone. Do read the article as well.
Dr. Christina


Feb 8, 2024
Thank you! Sadly the only 3 in Canada are not taking any new patients at this time. I have reached out to each one of them a few months ago :(

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Melissa!

Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first posts.

I second what Dr. Christina says about Oscar being one lucky pup to have you.

Good work with what you're doing to help Oscar!

I also echo Dr. Christina's advice to start working 1:1 with a trained vet homeopath.

Drs. Judy Herman, Todd Cooney and Adriana Sagrera are vets that would be great to work with.

You and I can also work 1:1. You'd start that process by filling out a new client form at:

The next step would be to schedule a 1-2 hour appointment at:

It would also be great for you to read more about vitality, balance and energy flow. They help define how I practice and may help you decide what to do.

The HA! 101 course is a great place to start.

These articles may also help:

Since this started at such a young age, it is likely related to a genetic/miasmatic influence combined with a tendency to develop "allergies" (which we typically don't see in such young pups).

BTW-Do you know if any of Oscar's siblings are also having any health challenges?


Feb 8, 2024
Thank you Dr Jeff. I filled out the new patient form and booked an appointment with you for next week.

I have had conversations with some of his littermates owners and there seems to definitely be a hereditary issue. From the ones I’ve spoken to it seems most are food allergies and no environmental.

I look forward to speaking with you!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You're welcome Melissa!

I look forward to speaking to you further about Oscar.


Feb 8, 2024
Hi Dr Jeff

Wanted to update you on Oscar! I wasn’t sure if email was best or here.

I stopped the wolf probiotics and noticed a significant change within 24-48 hours. I’m not convinced however that this may have been the problem. I did give him a bath with a new shampoo (4legger) and have heard from others that their dog was very itchy afterwards (may have dried his coat to much) I did dose him with the Thuja 30C in water at 15 successions the evening of Sunday February 26 and again the morning of Monday February 27. He hardly scratched yesterday maybe a few times but nothing major. Today he is out of control itchy again, and has developed a horrible ear infection in his right ear (this maybe the worst one I’ve ever encountered with him, a lot of dark brown/black discharge and extremely red) he has started rubbing up against the cupboards and floors again today which he didn’t do yesterday and shimmy his back against the floor. His major spots of itchy are armpits, tail and his back. He has also been panting a lot over the last 4-5 days.

I honestly am starting to wonder if I am dealing with mites ? My other dog is scratching a bit (it could be the loss of her winter coat but her target areas are also her armpits) I also had the baby in emerge yesterday for a blister like rash on her foot which is extremely itchy, I asked about mites from the dog and the doctor said possibly but thought it was more viral given her sickness) I’m feeling very defeated and trying to stay positive. My allergies are also on the flare again which happens anytime he gets overly itchy as I believe he spreads more dander in the house while scratching. At some points he’s chewing himself insanely and I go over to pull him away and he pulls against me to continue to chew, I’m sure you can hear and feel the frustration in my email. Every time I feel I have a grasp he spirals again and I feel like I’m at the starting point once again. He doesn’t feel good, I don’t feel good and it’s hard.

Hopefully we can get control of things.

Thank you for listening

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I'm sorry to hear about all that's going on with Oscar. :(
Hopefully we can get control of things.
With your resolve, patience and perseverance, you will!

Also, see my email with other comments.


Feb 8, 2024
Hello everyone

I am hoping someone has some tips or tricks for dealing with a really bad ear. I thought we were in a good spot and Oscar woke up two days ago with the worst ear infection I have seen with him yet. He has quite a bit of light brown and dark brown discharge, it’s extremely red and swollen and painful.

I have been cleaning with diluted apple cider and water then applying garlic mullein but it is definitely getting worse and I feel terrible

**** I wanted to add I found 2-3 small pencil eraser size bumps/pustules on his back (seems to be where he’s most itchy at the moment) (unsure if it’s a skin bacterial infection ????)
Thank you
Last edited:

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Melissa!

I'm sorry to hear about Oscar's ups and downs, and am super glad that we got to speak today.

Thank you for helping Oscar, for all you do, and for scheduling the HMDM call today! :dog2: ???


Community Member
Pet Professional
Oct 11, 2022
@MelissaL @Dr. Jeff
I hear your frustration Melissa! I’m so sorry and empathize. HA has been a saving grace for us! Hang in there, we’re here for you!

We have a family member with a Lasoapso/Shizu mix 10 years old who has had life long ear issues.
I got him to give Adored Beast product Yeasty Beasty protocol and switch to a Raw Doet by Viva Raw. Scooters Ears have greatly improved, but one ear is pink/inflamed again and its allergy season in Arizona now!

I just started him on Animal Essentials Allergy Support and stoped probiotics after reading on Adored Beast Yeasty Beasty protocol not to give them together or during treatment!

We had been using ear cleaning solutions and learned that may have been making a yeasty environment worse! Yeast love moisture! We stopped and saw improvement.

I want to start homeopathics with him! Need to read more on that or hire Dr Cooney who’s
helped our Cat tremendously.

I noticed Scooter was getting some grains in treats and his people just bought him Sweet Potato Jerkey which I fewl may be too many carbs/sugar? I prefer grass fed freeze dried organs!

Idk what else we can do? Suggestions welcome.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Idk what else we can do?
Thanks for asking Lauren, and thanks so much for helping the pup!! ? ??

There's still lots that his guardians can do to help.

The first things I think of tho would be to find out what the pup loves more than anything else and then focus on those things for at least 2 weeks (if they are already doing lots of this, then double the frequency for the next 2 weeks). And ask them to monitor the effects using BEAM besides the physical symptoms (like the ear).

I've attached a deeper dive into working with BEAM in case they have already read the blog.

Also, as you have seen already with Romeo, homeopathy is a powerful way to help the pup's body unravel the energetic entanglements that have long been obstructing the smooth energy flow.

And, as you know, the longer a condition persists, the longer it takes to unravel.

Perhaps then guide them to the HA! 101 course which contains many other strategies.

Good luck!

PS-The focus of this article is early detection of dis-ease, but it applies equally to the response to any intervention like after a remedy, a diet change, etc.


  • early disease detection using beam score for vets.pdf
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Community Member
Pet Professional
Oct 11, 2022
Many Thanks! I’ll
pass this all along. Scooter gets so excited when i visit and he runs to the door when i am leaving like he wants to go with me. I’m going to walk him as much as I can and see if that helps.

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