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Sensitivity testing


VIP Member
Oct 22, 2018
Dr Jeff and Dr Christina, what has been your experience with hair and saliva testing?
I had an opportunity to have Teddy tested with a swab from his mouth and combed hair sample submitted to glacier peak holistic.. The results did not surprise me he are lamb and chicken that week and was found to have an allergy to both proteins?. He is also sensitive to plastic and primary concerns were immune, fungus 1 type, bacteria, 1 type Mold, Pain inflammation emotions and chlorine.

I know everything I am doing is working towards decreasing these th Now but what has been your experience of trying zeolite and would Teddy benefit from a pinch a few times a day. He was also sensitive to mushrooms so I stopped the pinch of reshi mushroom but think I will strat it up again because it is known for shrinking tumors.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Of course I will run this by Dr Judy too.i wanted to know your experience in zeolite and what kind or who makes it. Thank you?

Also Teddy never showed signs and up until know was alternating organic ch Chen with turkey???? Thank you!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I don't use hair testing and never did saliva testing for toxins.

Zeolite should be fine to use for Teddy, and is great for reducing toxins.

As you said, let's see what @dr_ judy herman says...?

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