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Senior cat with dental issues


Feb 6, 2023
Henney has been to the vet today. The vet is apparently not able to do the dental surgery till this coming Friday.
It was suggested that he has a blood test prior to the surgery to determine the condition of his kidneys. We have also been advised that he would be put on an end of life plan If test is not favourable.
Unfortunately I was out of Arnica - have ordered more and am hoping to receive before Friday.
Henney has been prescribed both antibiotics and pain relief -see attachments -
Henney has not yet been given either the pain relief or antibiotic. Oddly enough he has settled and started drinking again.
Looking forward to your feedback on the above.

Dr Jeff



Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Most importantly, remember that conventional veterinarians are wonderful for diagnostics. They have very limited options, so often will say end of life when they see high kidney blood values.

Most cats thrive for years, even when their values were very high, with holistic care.

Have you selected a homeopathic (virtual) or local holistic veterinarian? Read this article and do the work.

Dr. Christina

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi Marijke!

I hope you're feeling a bit better than when we spoke yesterday and that you are keeping warm.
not able to do the dental surgery till this coming Friday.

Is Henney eating at all?


Feb 6, 2023
Hi Marijke!

I hope you're feeling a bit better than when we spoke yesterday and that you are keeping warm.


Is Henney eating at all?
Henney is not eating at this stage, and it seems such a shame that
Hi Marijke!

I hope you're feeling a bit better than when we spoke yesterday and that you are keeping warm.


Is Henney eating at all?
No, Henney is not eating at this stage - quite a concern as he does not carry much weight as it is.


Feb 6, 2023
Most importantly, remember that conventional veterinarians are wonderful for diagnostics. They have very limited options, so often will say end of life when they see high kidney blood values.

Most cats thrive for years, even when their values were very high, with holistic care.

Have you selected a homeopathic (virtual) or local holistic veterinarian? Read this article and do the work.

Dr. Christina
Thank you for the reassurance. Have booked a discovery call with Dr Ed the healing vet for this Friday.


Feb 6, 2023
Henney is not eating at this stage, and it seems such a shame that

No, Henney is not eating at this stage - quite a concern as he does not carry much weight as it is.
Hello, To date I have declined the pre-op blood test as there seems little value in doing so.
In speaking with the nurse, it appears that should they determine that Henney would possibly not survive the op,then he would still have funky teeth and possibly need to live on pain killers and antibiotics till the end of his life.
So, my question is, does he still have a chance of survival even if his bloods are not favourable?
Henney is booked in for 9am admission and I would like to be confident in my decision - there seems to be a lot that I still need to get my head around.
And yes, today Henney decided he had better eat :catfood:

Dr Jeff
Dr Christina
Last edited:


Feb 6, 2023
Hello, To date I have declined the pre-op blood test as there seems little value in doing so.
In speaking with the nurse, it appears that should they determine that Henney would possibly not survive the op,then he would still have funky teeth and possibly need to live on pain killers and antibiotics till the end of his life.
So, my question is, does he still have a chance of survival even if his bloods are not favourable?
Henney is booked in for 9am admission and I would like to be confident in my decision - there seems to be a lot that I still need to get my head around.
And yes, today Henney decided he had better eat :catfood:

Dr Jeff
Dr Christina
Hello, To date I have declined the pre-op blood test as there seems little value in doing so.
In speaking with the nurse, it appears that should they determine that Henney would possibly not survive the op,then he would still have funky teeth and possibly need to live on pain killers and antibiotics till the end of his life.
So, my question is, does he still have a chance of survival even if his bloods are not favourable?
Henney is booked in for 9am admission and I would like to be confident in my decision - there seems to be a lot that I still need to get my head around.
And yes, today Henney decided he had better eat :catfood:

Dr Jeff
Dr Christina


Feb 6, 2023
Hello. Henney had his op yesterday along with the pre op blood test. Henney is doing well, although he is not yet keen to eat - 4 teeth were removed, mouth is swollen and he sometimes claws at his mouth - The pre-op bloods showed some kidney damage (which I was already aware of). All in all things are looking pretty good at the moment. Guessing it will take a couple more days for things to settle.

Dr Jeff & Dr Christina


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
This is all good! He should be in a much better condition to heal himself. Now you can concentrate on systemic issues like the kidney function. Best wishes for healing, to him and you!

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