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VIP Member
Jul 16, 2019
Hello Dr. Chambreau and Dr. Fienman, First I want to thank you for the informative Homeopathy Intro course offered in June 2018. I've learned so much already just being 1/2 way through! Anyhow, I just finished the section on "modalities" - Dr. Chambreau asked those in the class to name a few modalities...what makes a condition worse or better....As Dr. Feinman knows, my dog Koby has been having lots of coughing fits in the past few days. I recorded few of those coughing fits on my phone as videos (for my journal/records and if necessary, for Dr. Feinman)...then I noticed that putthing the phone in front of him stops his coughing LOL! So is THAT a modality? (silly question)

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Yes (and your question is not silly at all)!

There's no question that this is an awe-some modality.

There is however a big question about how you would translate it into repertory-speak?

Only Koby's verbalized sensations could do that.

We can't ask him to provide the context needed to clarify this characteristic symptom (modalities are super important).

This behavior could be because he was scared or startled by holding the phone for a picture or video, or whether the light or some other radiation disturbed him, etc.

However, there is lots of clinical evidence that an animal intuitive (telepath) can ask Koby.

July Berrin is a lovely, talented and reliable intuitive that you could ask this specific question. You can contact her at july@thetemplecat.uno or:

In the meantime, see what you can figure out about the symptom.

Does he act shy in other ways, have any new fears, etc.?

If there is no improvement in BEAM or cough within 24-48 hours of his last dose of homeopathic medicine, then it is time to re-evaluate.

In general, it's very important to check in with the doctor frequently whenever a pet is very sick.

The frequency can be anywhere from several times/day in very acute and life-threatening dis-eases to every few weeks for serious but chronic ones.


VIP Member
Jul 16, 2019
Thank you, Dr. Feinman. I have noticed, taking walks and be in outside/getting fresh air (two modalities) improves Koby's BEAM. What I find challenging is that while his BEAM slightly improved overall (Behavior/Mood - same as before - still aggressive; suspicious; feet sensitive...etc.; Energy - did not walk very much; Appetite - VERY GOOD.) but coughing is still persistent and prominent. If I were to quantify his ENERGY, I would give him a "-" (negative) because due to his coughing, he needed to stop frequently on his walks to stop himself from coughing [I tried to upload the video but file size was too large even after shorten it] by laying on his stomach & on all four. And eventually he refused to walk too much.

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