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Legumes/Pulses correlated to Cardiomyopathy?


Community Member
Pet Professional
Oct 11, 2022
I just read this on Raw Wild website. They sell Raw Elk & Venison. Anyone order from them and how did your Pup or Cat like it? Your thoughts?

Here’s what I read:
There have been a few recent FDA studies that seem to indicate that a grain free diet causes cardiomyopathy in dogs. However, the most recent conclusions are that it is not the lack of grain that is causing the disease but rather the inclusion of pulse vegetables like peas, lentils and beans that are used to replace the grains.

@Dr. Jeff , @Dr. Jean Hofve So, where can I look up these Studies or do you have a citation?

What do you know about this subject? I have a feeling many Vegans are using Pulses to feed their Animas!,

@Dr. Christina , @Dr. Barbara , @Dr. Jessica ,@Dr. Linda @Dr. Sara @Dr.Eli @Dr.Lorrie @drabenda

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
What do you know about this subject?
Well, there's a lot of misleading info out there.

The latest research is that the pulses themselves may not be the problem as much as how they're grown and processed (like glyphosate or GMO).

Also, Dr. Lisa Freeman who did much of this research is now looking at mitochondrial dysfunction as being the underlying (secondary to vital force fluctuations IMHO) problem.

Perhaps just stick with the freshest (and best source) food in variety and moderation.

Jan Alegretti is in of our speakers this year (and she is also a homeopath) and has a great book about this ind of feeding:



Community Member
Pet Professional
Oct 11, 2022
@Dr. Jeff I agree! Thx for thr feedback and link! Just want to raise the level of awareness and learn.


Community Member
Pet Professional
Oct 11, 2022
I also love Dr Judy Morgans Books for Recipes and how to feed. She has so many YouTube videos and lots of Live videos every week.
I love how she teaches the barious foods to feed each Constitution/Element(Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Wood)!
Dr Karen Becker’s Forever Dog seems good as well.
My favorite will always be Raw and Dr Ian Billinghurst, Give your Dog a Bone!

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
So, there is not now and never has been one shred of evidence linking grain-free diets to cardiomyopathy. In fact, virtually all grains and legumes are both massively sprayed with glyphosate, and should *both* be avoided!! Fresh and organic avoids most of the problems in our food supply (which are legion!).

Both Dr. Becker and Dr. Morgan are dear friends and I love them to death, but they are sadly very dog-centric. For the very best cat advice, see www.catinfo.org!


Community Member
Pet Professional
Oct 11, 2022
So, there is not now and never has been one shred of evidence linking grain-free diets to cardiomyopathy. In fact, virtually all grains and legumes are both massively sprayed with glyphosate, and should *both* be avoided!! Fresh and organic avoids most of the problems in our food supply (which are legion!).

Both Dr. Becker and Dr. Morgan are dear friends and I love them to death, but they are sadly very dog-centric. For the very best cat advice, see www.catinfo.org!
Thx Dr Jean! I know they’re focus is on Dogs. You are the Cat expert! Glyphosate and pesticdies are a problem for sure.
I keep thinking have Dogs and Cats foraged for Legumes and Grains in Nature? Cats are Obligate Carnivores, so doubt it. Maybe Dogs are more omnivorous. What do we know about this?

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Even humans won't eat uncooked grains or legumes, predators do not forage for them. Canids will eat fruit, they and cats will eat grass for a variety of reasons.

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