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How does I give raw food to dog when I’m so anxious about it’s “rawness”?!


Community Member
Jun 22, 2023
Hello, I understand the benefits of feeding raw food, have bought some that I’m ready to give her, and while Dr Jeff was so helpful in alleviating my fears, I’m wondering if I can ask specifically, will any of us (me, my kids) be exposed to any contamination of the raw food? For instance, I’m thinking about how she likes us to hold her antler while she chews on it. Or how she just likes to show affection here and there with a lick….. Will this transfer any harmful bacteria? I do understand the germ theory and that the terrain theory offers a more complete picture. Though I must admit, there is something that still makes me anxious about it. Any thoughts would be so appreciated! Thanks so much….

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Hi Jacqueline! All raw meat has bacteria, so if you prepare it for your family, the risk is the same. Just wash everything well with hot soapy water. Her mouth is full of bacteria anyway so there is no more problem with her eating a raw diet than kibble, which has made more people sick with Salmonella than raw ever did. Not to be too gross, but most bacterial illness is caused by "fecal-oral" contamination, like food handlers who don't wash their hands, or bacteria in irrigation water.

If using ground meat, you can lightly cook the meat, it won't have much effect on nutrition. If you're using chunks or bigger cuts of meat to start with, you can dip them in boiling water for a minute to kill surface bacteria. I had to do this with my dog's chicken necks, he didn't like them cold!

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
In 40 years of practice, I have not had problems with people. And, feeding lightly cooked meat, seared on just the outside, is still so much better than processed foods.

If you can find a local farm and see how they raise and slaughter their animals, you will realize there is little chance of bacteria.

most food recalls, as Dr. Jean said, are with processed foods. The few that were with raw diets were not significant.

Dr. Jean talks about EFT in one of the webinars, so you may want to do some EFT (emotional freedom technique) on your fears, as your thoughts are important.

Dr. Christina


Community Member
Jun 22, 2023
Hi Jacqueline! All raw meat has bacteria, so if you prepare it for your family, the risk is the same. Just wash everything well with hot soapy water. Her mouth is full of bacteria anyway so there is no more problem with her eating a raw diet than kibble, which has made more people sick with Salmonella than raw ever did. Not to be too gross, but most bacterial illness is caused by "fecal-oral" contamination, like food handlers who don't wash their hands, or bacteria in irrigation water.

If using ground meat, you can lightly cook the meat, it won't have much effect on nutrition. If you're using chunks or bigger cuts of meat to start with, you can dip them in boiling water for a minute to kill surface bacteria. I had to do this with my dog's chicken necks, he didn't like them cold!
Hi Dr Jean: Thank you for your explanation—I didn’t think about the idea that her mouth is full of bacteria anyway….I can certainly try to blanch the meat, too. I bought a raw food by OC raw, from the pet health store near my house in CT. They told me that even in comparison to the organic, grass fed meat that we buy for ourselves, that the raw dog food has more strict policies on levels of bacteria as they know that it’ll be eaten raw and that we will (likely) cook ours. I’m going to try your suggestions. I really liked your webinar on flower essences, too.

Thank you,

Jackie Newhouse


Community Member
Jun 22, 2023
In 40 years of practice, I have not had problems with people. And, feeding lightly cooked meat, seared on just the outside, is still so much better than processed foods.

If you can find a local farm and see how they raise and slaughter their animals, you will realize there is little chance of bacteria.

most food recalls, as Dr. Jean said, are with processed foods. The few that were with raw diets were not significant.

Dr. Jean talks about EFT in one of the webinars, so you may want to do some EFT (emotional freedom technique) on your fears, as your thoughts are important.

Dr. Christina
Thank you Dr Christina, I appreciate it. I am familiar with EFT, and definitely would like to feel less stressed about this!

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