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Experiences with Teef, Plaque Off, or Deer Velvet for cat dental health?


Mar 28, 2023
Is anyone using any of these products for their cat's dental health? I would love to hear your results with reducing tartar and gingivitis.

Also, how do you get your cats to tolerate letting you put the deer velvet product in their mouth??

Apart from a good diet, bones, energy healing, and keeping your kitties happy, is there anything else you find works to reduce mild tartar and gingivitis and then keep it away?

Thanks for your insights!

- Ellen

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Thanks for your question Ellen.

I've had good client experiences with Plaque Off and NZ Deer Velvet spray.

Most people spray the NZ stuff on a gauze Q-tip or their fingers and apply it that way. Some cats are OK wih having their gums sprayed...

I have no experience with Teef, but @GinnyW does.


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Yeah, but not on cats:) It's added to drinking water, so doesn't take any application. In my limited experience, all of these products, whether added to food, smeared on teeth, or however, are gonna need some time to work. I thought Teef! was working right away, and then I didn't see the amazing progress I thought would follow. Now, though, I see a gradual change in tone - not sparkling white, but uniformly lighter. I'm also using PetLab, but just started this, so too soon to tell. That one gets added to meals, and I also brush a bit with it on a finger brush. I would definitely give the deer antler stuff a try, but not until I've exhausted what I'm already doing. Don't let that stop you; I think it's a great product.

There's a powered scaler out there, but I would anticipate a real struggle employing it. Anybody?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Great point Ginny! Anything added to the water is less than desirable in cats (which are not supposed to drink much if at all).


Jan 24, 2024
Yeah, but not on cats:) It's added to drinking water, so doesn't take any application. In my limited experience, all of these products, whether added to food, smeared on teeth, or however, are gonna need some time to work. I thought Teef! was working right away, and then I didn't see the amazing progress I thought would follow. Now, though, I see a gradual change in tone - not sparkling white, but uniformly lighter. I'm also using PetLab, but just started this, so too soon to tell. That one gets added to meals, and I also brush a bit with it on a finger brush. I would definitely give the deer antler stuff a try, but not until I've exhausted what I'm already doing. Don't let that stop you; I think it's a great product.

There's a powered scaler out there, but I would anticipate a real struggle employing it. Anybody?
A Homeopathic remedy for tarter on teeth is Fragria, it is a old one, works on cats and dogs. Again put in drinking water and give it time. I'm an old Homeopath from back in the 70's! good luck, Joan Adams

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
I strongly suggest not using homeopathic medicines daily long term. And in my early days, 40 years ago, when I did try remedies that way - I never saw benefit from Frageria.

If I went that route of a remedy for a condition, we would be giving frageria for teeth, nosodes for heartworm, infections, etc. Homeopathic medicines are best used for acute problems - use them - stop.
Or with careful prescribing, one to match all current (including tarter) and past symtpoms.

Homeopathy is based on Like Cures Like - for a great film to share - Introducing Homeopathy - for virtual tickets to the live screening for $25 on April 19th - https://introducinghomeopathy.com/jahcexclusive/

Healthy animals do not get tarter, unless their vital force is weak in that area, so Ellen, your direction is the best.

Thanks Ginny, for sharing the need for persistence and uncertainty of what is doing what.

Dr. Christina


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Yep, known about Fragaria forever, but also never could pin results on it. And, as Dr. Christina said, I would never use a remedy so routinely. Clark's MM cites enough negative effects to keep me away from it in any case. But thanks much for your input and experience, Joan:)

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