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Dog coughing


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
1. Your pet's name: Rowka
2. Approximate age: 14
3. Sex: Female
4. Neutering status: Spayed
5. Breed: Chihuahua
6. Approximate weight: 11lbs.
7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood): OK
8. Diet: Freeze-dried raw + some fully raw bison
9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication: Last vax was rabies about 3.5 years ago
10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time: Acute cough, started yesterday; nothing new happened/happening; has not been around other dogs except at home (and none of our other dogs are coughing)
11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?: A little worse after exertion, but she also woke up from sleep this morning and had a coughing fit.
12. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.): Nothing yet for cough.
13. Current and previous treatment. I tried giving her Manuka honey last night and this morning, as well as coconut oil. The coconut oil seemed to stop it for about an hour but it's happening again.
14. Other health concerns. She has chronic skin disease/allergies, but otherwise nothing else acutely concerning.

Hello! As mentioned above, Rowka started coughing yesterday; it seems to be a dry cough (nothing has come up), and it comes in waves. Sometimes it seems worse after she's been up and around (vs resting), but it's not exclusive to those times. I've given her Manuka honey as well as coconut oil to help soothe her throat and perhaps offer some healing properties, but is there anything else that would be recommended--homeopathically or otherwise--to help with the cough?

Please note she has not been around other dogs except those that we live with, and none of our other dogs are exhibiting respiratory symptoms. I am not sure what would have caused this acute coughing issue for Rowka. Nothing has changed inside the home, and we haven't been anywhere we haven't been in the last few weeks.

Thank you!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Joanne or Jessica!

About how often does Rowka have the dry cough spasms (or any cough)?
help soothe her throat and perhaps offer some healing properties, but is there anything else that would be recommended
The Manuka honey mixed in a cooled cup of throat coat tea (which is for people and is available from most health food stores and online) would be great.

Is her BEAM any different since she started coughing?

When and what was her last homeopathic remedy?


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
Hi @Dr. Jeff, her coughing is quite frequent now. She’ll cough for a few seconds at a time—like a dry, honking/hacking (painful-sounding) cough—and there will be several of those episodes in close succession. Then a few minutes will go by and it happens again. Otherwise, her BEAM is good, thankfully. Her respiratory rate appears to be normal.

Her last dose of homeoathic remedy was nux vomica 6c 10/Qtip on 6/26.

Thanks for the suggestion with the tea (I actually really like that one myself!).

Rowka has an appointment today at 10am to get her Heska injection so I can have them check her vitals. I’d prefer not to give her pharmaceuticals for the cough if I can at all help it.

Thank you!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Do you have the Nux 30c (this sounds like it could be a Nux cough)?

It would be great if you have time to submit a web update. I may have missed one as when I went back in her records the last thing I see is from 7/3.

BTW-What did the vet say about her bronchitis type cough?


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
I do have nux 30! I will do a web update today. Vet said lungs and heart sound fine, no fever. Thinks perhaps either allergy to something (and recommended trying Benadryl) or trachea collapse (and suggested cough suppressant). Naturally, I would like to try holistic options over these two things 😃

Thank you!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
And she received a Heska allergy hyposensitization shot today?

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