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Cat with enlarged abdomen


Community Member
Feb 6, 2023
Name - TG
Age - 14
Sex - Female
- small fluffy
Weight - not sure - abt 5kg (scales are playing up)
Behaviour - the dominant one of our two cats - gets scared very easily (once, during a thunderstorm she buried her nose in a corner and 'emptied' herself) Very smoochie, even goes to her 'brother' for kisses. generally stretches her back legs when started to walk somewhere. Loves to roll around on the soil.
Energy - she mostly likes to lay around (not sleeping)- our cats are indoor cats and only go outdoors under supervision
Appetite - reduced.
Mood - alert - gets 'ticked off' easily
Diet -
'Organic Paws' Raw, organic whole animal including the tripe. three serves daily + CBD
vaccination +- No vaccinations that we are aware of (was handed over by a family member)
Primary problem - Enlarged abdomen and not as many stools as usual in the litter tray (two cats use the same litter). Today I noticed her defecating hard 'nuggets' - so maybe constipated. The problem started maybe around three weeks ago
Have not noticed changes
No diagnostic work
No treatment
Other health concerns - missing blotches of fur - possibly flea allergy?
Wow! Two pets with distended abdomens.

Has she been examined by a vet recently?

I ask because both the reduced appetite and belly enlargement may indeed be from obstipation (severe constipation). The vet could feel this on abdominal palpation.

Does she like milk or cream? If so, goat's milk (raw if possible) would be a wonderful thing to help her happiness, internal balance and pooping.

Cat expert @Dr. Jean Hofve may have other thoughts.

BTW-Both TG and Indi could benefit by your adding a vet homeopath to your vet care team. Even if there is no one nearby, many of us also work virtually in conjunction with your local vet.
Wow! Two pets with distended abdomens.

Has she been examined by a vet recently?

I ask because both the reduced appetite and belly enlargement may indeed be from obstipation (severe constipation). The vet could feel this on abdominal palpation.

Does she like milk or cream? If so, goat's milk (raw if possible) would be a wonderful thing to help her happiness, internal balance and pooping.

Cat expert @Dr. Jean Hofve may have other thoughts.

BTW-Both TG and Indi could benefit by your adding a vet homeopath to your vet care team. Even if there is no one nearby, many of us also work virtually in conjunction with your local vet.
Hi :) thank you for that information.
TG has not had any testing and because she is easily stressed we prefer to spare her the trip (at least 45 minutes to the nearest vet) However I am concerned - even though she does not appear to be showing any signs of distress - about her situation.
Besides the goats milk, is there anything else to help clear her bowels?
Besides the goats milk, is there anything else to help clear her bowels?
Sure, and @Dr. Jean Hofve has many more than I would (I'd say most dairy products if tolerated, structured water/hydration, aloe juice, lactulose, etc.).

However, if the constipation has indeed progressed to obstipation, then impacted stool may need to be removed manually by your vet.

Whether TG could clear her own bowels depends on things like her vitality and strength, muscle mass, activity level, weight, colonic function, etc.
Sure, and @Dr. Jean Hofve has many more than I would (I'd say most dairy products if tolerated, structured water/hydration, aloe juice, lactulose, etc.).

However, if the constipation has indeed progressed to obstipation, then impacted stool may need to be removed manually by your vet.

Whether TG could clear her own bowels depends on things like her vitality and strength, muscle mass, activity level, weight, colonic function, etc.
Thank you for the information :) There is a lot to mull over here. Have started her on milk - it seems to be helping at this stage. Very appreciative of the invaluable available information
with gratitude
You're welcome Marijke! ? ??
Now is a good time to learn one or more of the energy modalities we have covered on the webinars. Especially since you do not have a close vet, being able to do significant healing with your own hands will help your stress and each of your animals.

A few we have covered (and more are coming) include Reiki, HTA (healing touch for animals), EFT (emotion freedom technique), Bengston Method, Eden energy medicine, Tellington TTouch, Acupressure, Chi Gong, Tui Na.

Also, you may want to learn how to energetically ask for yes/no answers to help decide of treatments, foods, supplements and much more. Dowsing, pendulum, body sway and many others. Sue Whittaker and Dr. Sue Wager did webinars on these.

Dr. Christina
Now is a good time to learn one or more of the energy modalities we have covered on the webinars. Especially since you do not have a close vet, being able to do significant healing with your own hands will help your stress and each of your animals.

A few we have covered (and more are coming) include Reiki, HTA (healing touch for animals), EFT (emotion freedom technique), Bengston Method, Eden energy medicine, Tellington TTouch, Acupressure, Chi Gong, Tui Na.

Also, you may want to learn how to energetically ask for yes/no answers to help decide of treatments, foods, supplements and much more. Dowsing, pendulum, body sway and many others. Sue Whittaker and Dr. Sue Wager did webinars on these.

Dr. Christina
Wow, I am loving that information - definitely up my ally :) Thank you so much for sharing that. I wasn't raised with technologies and can easily become overwhelmed . Hence knowing what to look for is a God send - Thank you:)
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