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Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017

Even though many sites say they are toxic.
There is even a commercial dog food (not my recommendation, of course) called AVOderm, made from avocados.
Feed just the pulp and you are fine.

Many tropical dogs even eat the skin and pit, but there may be some problems with that. Dr. Christina


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
I'd say yes. No pits, of course, or skin, but the flesh is fine. A good source of some nice fatty acids. That said, I'ver never encountered a dog who craved it, but you never know. Mine acts pretty disappointed when a mouthful of my salad turns out to be avocado instead of, say, hard boiled egg, chicken or cheese.

I found a lot of weird and incorrect info in a cursory online search; some folks just HAVE to say something, out of a sense of their own importance.

I eat a lot of them, and we cook with avocado oil, since it holds up well in high heat. Yuji, not so much...


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023

Even though many sites say they are toxic.
There is even a commercial dog food (not my recommendation, of course) called AVOderm, made from avocados.
Feed just the pulp and you are fine.

Many tropical dogs even eat the skin and pit, but there may be some problems with that. Dr. Christina
@Dr. Christina interested about what your opinion is about cats and avacados. Bella used to LOOOVVVEEEE having some avacado when I cut one up. Then I read it was toxic. I recall a previous vet saying a little wouldn't hurt but then I read something somewhere else that is was very toxic so I stopped.

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