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Odors in female dog after OSS


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Blossom has had her first heat since her OSS this past fall.Still not sure of her age--my guess may be 4 closer to 5 now The heat started around the end of November and early December, seeing the personality changes, flagging tail, other dogs attracted and she leaving her mark etc.... during that time. I do not quite understand what happens during that time other than she does not bleed. She still has her ovaries so is she producing progesterone at this time like she did when she was intact? I notice during this time period she is more anxious in the car than she had been with some barking that she had stopped doing and more hyperactivity. She seems to have an "occasional odor" I get a whiff of if she is standing on the seat in the car with her body out the window, or just even when she is passing by me. Not all the time. I cannot identify the odor but I do believe I smelled it in the past when she was intact. The odor is not urine or poopy, not anal glands far as I can tell. Is it some female odor. I took her to a new vet thursday and told her and she said (like most normal vets say--they have no idea about reproduction), The vet said everything "looked normal" back there and that I must have a good sense of smell (I do indeed). She did not smell anything at the time. But is an odor normal for an OSS dog. Again I think this would be the progesterone phase. She uses my carpet as a scratching post for her scooting but her bowel movements are frequent and ok so I think the anal glands are getting the workout they are supposed to and the odor is not that. I also see no discharge. Thank you for your thoughts!

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Lil!
But is an odor normal for an OSS dog
@Dr. Sara is the expert here, and IMO the OSS does not change her odors. However, the odors may be a result of her body's attempt to detox.

uses my carpet as a scratching post for her scooting
And that's where I bet the odor is coming from..

Had she been using the carpet as her butt scratching post before the OSS?


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Ok, thank you. Detox is good I guess. I think I read somewhere, cannot recall where since I read so much but maybe from her anal glands when she gets excited. I did not think it was from there because I never had my dogs anal glands expressed. I will keep a keener eye out for when where and under what circumstances.

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