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For fractious behavior


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Blossom went to a vet today who tried to examine her leg to see if her ligament is torn. She is still after 10 days walking on 3 legs sometimes walking on 4 like at the vets office when she seemed to override her discomfort due to nervousness/excitement. Vet did the drawer test and as best she can tell the kneecap did not move (although I saw on youtube they usually sedate for these tests). Blossom had to wear a muzzle and was fractious not even wanting treats. They said no activity for a couple weeks and was going to give Rimadyl. I told them I had galliprant if needed. They gave Dasuquin too. Appears Blossom is now 70 lbs (but the vet scale could be a few pounds off). She had been 62 but with little activity gained weight so that needs to come off. Tomorrow i take her to a vet who is a rehab vet who did laser on my deceased dog JJ who had a partial ligament tear. The vet today said to make another appt for xrays so Blossom could be sedated. But I will let the vet tomorrow try AND I am going to give Blossom Gabapentin BEFORE the appointment to see if that helps so if xrays are needed they can do them without me having to bring her back another time. I have tried aconite, arsenicum album and whatever else 2 homeopathic vets suggested over the last 20 months for other nervous situations and nothing changes so will try the drugs. Been giving her Arnica so do not know how much pain she is in now other than when the vet manipulated her she felt pain. I may have to be sedating her now to do reoutine bloodwork too since she did not allow that a couple weeks ago. Gabapentin may be her new best friend if it helps.i remember reading Dr. karen Becker saying dogs should not be in pain and she does not object to drugs for vet appointments to calm them. Maybe i will give her a dose and a half of Gapapentin before her appointment tomorrow---it would be better than anesthesia and staying there a half day if they cannot get an xray tomorrow that is what will happen to her. Today they could not even trim any more than one dew claw. I am really not having any problem at all with the drugs anymore because things need to get done. i have worked with 3 homeopaths and Blossom does not respond as expected. i am also looking into training again and maybe Gabapentin will also make her more amenable to training too.


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Blossom went to a better vet today. He was able to manipulate her leg better than the vet yesterday. It was extremely painful for Blossom. The vet today did say he noticed some movement of the knee. He did feel she may need TPLO surgery but we are trying Galliprant and Gabapentin for 10 days and if still limping will proceed with consult with orthopedic for surgery. Today I gave her gabapentin before the vet appt. She wasn't as sedated as I would imagine-- The vet and vet techs had better control over her than the vet yesterday. So she would need to be sedated for xray which she will have with the orthopedic if she is still limping after 10 days of the above protocol. I asked them to do laser but he felt she would not tolerate it due to her behaviour. None of my other dogs needed sedation for anything, nor a muzzle which I said was ok to use on Blossom. On palpation he said she was in a significant amount of pain. I am sorry I did not use pain meds earlier. While on the gabapentin she seemed very happy and rode happily in the car. So compared to the last week, I feel she was in pain and I did nothing other than arnica which I am still using but the gaba made the difference. So she is also overweight at 65 lbs which is probably why it happened. I put her on a strict diet today and I feel she needs to lose 15 lbs before a surgery. The homeo said they have healed cruciates with homeo but I am not real confident but will listen to him when I update him monday. I also put her on Dasuquin chews twice a day. She will probably not enjoy the summer this year with walks but she does get sunshine and sitting in the grass at home. Do not know how to prevent a recurrence since she will have to be supervised in the large fence that she should be able to enjoy but she runs and barks at people walking dogs so she will have to be watched once this is over.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017


Community Member
Mar 3, 2021
Getting her weight down will be a huge factor in both her healing and her eventual activity level. My integrative vet uses custom braces - and most times no surgery - for long term healing. These, of course, take most of the worry out of re-injuring as well as promoting healthy activity. I like the idea of laser treatment as well, with or without surgery. And, if keeping her quiet is important you will find a way to do it:)


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
She really is hyperactive and she really is worse this year with the vet....she got out of practice since her OSS in October. We used to go to the vet a lot if you recall she was walking slow and had up and down blood values. Now the vets cannot even trim her nails. and she is muzzled. So no laser for her because they won't do it. I use my BEMER on her but again she fidgets. If I get her to tolerate it then she sleeps after the 8 minute treatment which is good. She seems to be worse after going to the vet hospital--all that adrenalin made her probably put too much weight on her leg. I wish the vet would have taken an xray but did not want to anesthetize her now and then at surgery. BUT, this is pivotal to my decision making. I guess I will make more phone calls next week. The only thing clear is that it is not a complete rupture. 3 weeks and still no better. She misses her walks---quality of life.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
How often does she snuffle or do other indoor nose work games Lil?


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
Blossom does not do the snuffle mat anymore as she needs to lose weight. I think all the extra eating with the training I had for her and the snuffle mat every time I went out put a whopping 15 lbs on her (a contributory factor) She sniffs things outside in the yard but she can't go for walks now either. Both our lives are lousy because I have trouble with my own pain and appointments. She does get petting though which she loves. The problem with that is that I get stiff after the petting sessions and sometimes increases my pain so I do not do it as often as I used to. I do take her in the car which she likes. I can do that and she can use a ramp to get in. I pet her while I am driving. After her surgery at least she will be more functional, then hopefully the injections to my knee will kick in and we can go back to walking some. Perhaps I will try the snuffle occasionally with some cut up meat and then reduce that at dinner time. But I do need extra meat to feed her joint supplement--Dasuquin which has to be broken up even though it is a chew dogs don't seem to like the taste of it.

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