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Beach outings and itching dog


VIP Member
Aug 13, 2017
Hello -

I am posting this under Supportive folder (not Medical Disease Challenges) because I do not think that I am dealing with a Medical issue. However, I would appreciate insights from all of you.

My dox Xia and I enjoy going to the beach on a sunny day when there isn't much wind. Days like that do not happen very often in San Francisco but when they do, we take full advantage (maybe 10 days a year). Xia is a healthy 13 year old short hair Chihuahua mix, weighs about 8.5 lbs, and loves to lay in the sun. Her BEAM is very good (between 8 and 9). Her coat is shiny, she gets baths only when needed, eats a raw food diet rich in omegas and probiotics. On the beach she lays either on a towel or directly on the sand. She gets plenty of water and if she gets too hot she will get into a shade. We go to the beach in the afternoon and will spend about 3-4 hours there. She does not go into the ocean nor do I use ocean water to cool her off. Generally she walks to the beach and back home (about 1.5 miles in each direction). This makes for a long outing for her but she seems to enjoy them.

Every time when we return from the beach Xia itches and scratches her self more than normal (to the point that she wakes up at night to scratch). I have thought that it may be caused by sand flea bites but I never got any and the area is fairly dry. Could it be that her skin these excursions dry out her skin?

I have considered putting on a light shirt on her, but I am afraid that the shirt may interfere with her thermo regulation and she would still have areas that are exposed.

I am curious what others may think about this situation. Would you recommend any preventative measures? Would any supplements remedy this situation? Would you treat with homeopathic remedy? If homeopathy, would you go with constitutional remedy or a remedy for sun exposure (like belladonna, cantharis, apis)? I appreciate any input you might have.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Ive!
Could it be that her skin these excursions dry out her skin?
I am curious what others may think about this situation.
How long does the itching episode last? And is it mainly at night? How's her BEAM? How about any other symptoms?
Would you recommend any preventative measures?
Probably not (see below).
If homeopathy, would you go with constitutional remedy or a remedy for sun exposure
Yes! And that's exactly why it's best not to interfere with the symptom. Certainly until it is better defined and explored.

Itchiness associated with exposure to sea air may be a super important modality that can help point to a remedy (complaint, location and modality aka CoLoMo is often enough to help the homeopath choose a remedy).


VIP Member
Aug 13, 2017
How long does the itching episode last? And is it mainly at night? How's her BEAM? How about any other symptoms?
The itching episodes lasts about a day and it appears to be worse during the night. The day after a beach outing she is generally more tired. Of course, how tired she gets depends on how much protecting and guarding she has to do at the beach (how many people and off-leash dogs there are). Her appetite is excellent. She may be a little bit more clingy (wants to be close to me) and wants us to be in the quieter part of the house. But she is still alert, good appetite. So maybe because the energy is lower the overall BEAM might be lower a point (i.e. 7).

This past week we were able to go beach twice including yesterday. During the night I felt that she was so unhappy due to itchiness that when she woke up in the early hours of the morning and was itching I gave her a dose of her constitutional remedy (Lyc 30c 15/q-tip) and that reduced the symptom but did not completely eliminate it. Maybe I should have approached is an acute symptom and repeated the dose after few hours. I hope that we are able to go back to the beach on Tuesday, the forecast calls for 85+ degree weather. I will pay closer attention to the symptoms.


Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
How about 1/2 of a chewable pediatric Benadryl before bed?

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